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  • I am also running 2v11.251.
    After i left it in boot loop when I went to bed it welcomed me this morning with the clock face as if nothing was.
    It is working fine right now.
    I have to watch if that happens again.

    Any idea what caused it?

    I took a shower with the watch attached to my wrist yesterday. Maybe this caused the button to have a malfunction?

  • I took a shower with the watch attached to my wrist yesterday. Maybe this caused the button to have a malfunction?

    It's been covered before, but worth repeating. IP67 is not "waterproof". Splash-proof/"accidentally and temporarily submerged in shallow water"-proof would be a better description...

    A shower head can spray the watch with way higher pressure than what the watch is rated for, so I would not risk taking it into the shower.


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