• Of course, the v1 still works fine as a watch but now that I have a v2 it is not going to be seeing much use. The Bangle.js 2 is just too good! So, I started thinking what I could do with the Bangle.js 1 instead of just letting it collecting dust.

    I have a smol child that loves the Octonauts TV-show, and in the show the characters use a watch for calling each other and to alert everyone of dangers and asking for help with the Octo Alert. So, I created a small app to turn the Bangle.js 1 into an Octowatch (code is here if anyone's interested). It's going to be a Christmas gift, so I can't say how it was received yet...

    Would love to hear what other creative uses people have found for their v1s now that the v2 is here (other than as a watch).

    Edit: Added some photos.

    3 Attachments

    • octo_logo.jpg
    • octo_alert.gif
    • octo_captain.jpg

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