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  • Espruino doesn't support destructuring

    Oooh, yeah I did discover that because in my PR I had const {clock: clockApp} = ... and it died. I missed that one.

    call load("clock_app_name.js")

    It seems this is essentially having the same effect?

    load the random clock on the lcdPower on event?

    I did try that first! The thing is, it's better to have a little bit of flicker when the watch is going to sleep than when the watch is waking up. 99% of the time in the Real World™ I won't even see the flicker when the watch goes off, because I got what I needed and am not looking anymore. On the other hand, I will see it flicker every time before showing the clock, and that will (and did) drive me nuts :)

    it would be pretty easy to call unload() and then eval() a new clock app

    I did think about an approach like this but it's pretty intrusive in that 1. every clock app needs to conform and 2. it seems rather trivial to screw this up in any given clock app (even if there is an unload function), leading to leaks...

    Thanks for responding :) I think the tl;dr for now is that what I have is the best that it can be without other deeper changes (e.g. firmware). I'm just happy I was able to get a random watch face!


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