• Good morning!

    I must be completely blind or dumb in a different way, but when I write a string into a file, read it back into another string and then compare both strings with "!==", they are reported as different!

    Then, if I compare them character by character, no difference is found (as expected).

    Does anybody have a solution for this puzzle?

    The gist may be directly loaded and run on a connected watch through the IDE. Here comes the code:

    const Storage = require('Storage');
    function compareStrings (Original,Candidate) {
      let OriginalLength  = Original.length;
      let CandidateLength = Candidate.length;
      if (CandidateLength > OriginalLength) {
        print('>>>> more characters read than written');
        print('>>>> first additional character: ' + Candidate.charCodeAt(OriginalLength));
      if (CandidateLength < OriginalLength) {
        print('>>>> less characters read than written');
        print('>>>> first missing character: ' + Original.charCodeAt(CandidateLength));
      for (let i = 0; i < OriginalLength; i++) {
        if (Original[i] !== Candidate[i]) {
          print('>>>> different characters read than written');
          print('>>>> first mismatch at #' + i + ': expected ' + Original.charCodeAt(i) + ', got ' + Candidate.charCodeAt(i));
      print('>>>> same characters read as written');
    const FileContent_1 = 'this file exists for testing purposes only';
    const FileContent_2 = 'this file still exists for testing purposes only';
    if (Storage.write('4testing',FileContent_1)­) {
      print('file "4testing" was successfully created');
    } else {
      print('file "4testing" could not be written');
    if (Storage.read('4testing') !== FileContent_1) {
      print('contents of file "4testing" do not look as expected');
      print('(namely "' + Storage.read('4testing') + '")');
    if (Storage.write('4testing',FileContent_2)­) {
      print('file "4testing" was successfully overwritten');
    } else {
      print('file "4testing" could not be overwritten');
    if (Storage.read('4testing') !== FileContent_2) {
      print('contents of file "4testing" do no longer look as expected');
      print('(namely "' + Storage.read('4testing') + '")');
    print('file "4testing" has finally been deleted');