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  • I tried several times but nothing changed. Here is my new code :

    var Ruuvitag = require("Ruuvitag");
      0x1800: { // heart_rate
        0x2A6E: { // heart_rate_measurement
          notify: true,
          value : [Math.round(Ruuvitag.getEnvData().temp)]­,
    }, { advertise: [0x1801] });
    setInterval(function () {
        0x1800: {
          0x2A6E: {
            value : [Math.round(Ruuvitag.getEnvData().temp)]­,
            notify: true
    }, 1000);

    Here is what I get with my phone :

    It's says no service. And in the section "TX characteristic" I can see an error from the javascript interpreter but I'm not able to read it because it goes too fast.
    I don't understand why there is an error even with the IDE disconnected. The code looks very simple.


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