• No right hand side as usual. If i require Wifi it works fine.


    I tried your provided beta version of EspruinoWifi and the
    CIPCIPSERVER Error is gone. Sadly UPnP packages still do not arrive.. but i am a step further and have to debug it.

    Edit 2

    I changed the code of the beta EspruinoWifi so the Dgram.createSocket results in calling the AT command AT+CIPSTART=0,"UDP","0",0,1900,2 which.. according to a guide i found should listen on port 1900 for incoming messages from all addresses and allow me to respond to the sender of the last incoming message with AT+CIPSEND. If i then a UDP message to with netcat no message arrives. If i send the UDP message directly to the IP of the espruino ( in my case) the message arrives.

    Does the AT firmware not support broadcast/multicast? Or what could be the problem?

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