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  • We've done initial bringup of Espruino on a UHF radio. The excellent reverse engineering work done by the folks at md380tools laid the groundwork, so it was relatively easy to write a keypad and LCD library and whip up a board file. The single-thread model of Espruino really makes dealing with shared pins trivial.

    We still have a long way to go... there's a 16MB SPI flash we intend to write an SPIFFS library for, and there's the interface to the radio itself (along with all the required reverse engineering). Much of can be done in JS though thanks to the excellent Espruino package.

    Figuring out if it's possible to allow modules to run from the SM32F4's built-in (memory mapped) flash rather than needing to be require()ed into RAM is likely the last Espruino internal thing we need to deal with. Having a standard JS library that doesn't eat into the RAM budget would be great. There seems to be support for built-in modules, but that may only be referring to the jswrap_* stuff.


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