• tested this images on a ESP8266 12 board

    var wifi = require("Wifi");
    wifi.connect("xxx", {password:"xxx"}, function(ap){ 

    result after reset

    >rll|là|lìb|ìrbbònnlnnâìbplrlrlpònàlbnâ|bònnîll`nnl`nrnl`pònàrâàbnâ|ìbònnîl`nnl`nrnlpònàrâàìlbnâ|bònnîl`nnl`nrnl`rnl`rlnònnârnnnlblìlìlll~rlìlllnâllllìlnànìn~llàbìllpbbrìl`nlpìl`bl`lnnânl|bll`rlâìnìròn|ìll`ârlþ
         _____                 _
    |   __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___
    |   __|_ -| . |  _| | | |   | . |
    |_____|___|  _|_| |___|_|_|_|___|
              |_| http://espruino.com
     1v92 Copyright 2016 G.Williams
    Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported
    only by sales of official boards and donations:
    Flash map 4MB:512/512, manuf 0xe0 chip 0x4016
      "ip": "",
      "netmask": "",
      "gw": "",
      "mac": "5c:cf:7f:c1:12:0b"

    so it works


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