• I am using the Mac Mini over ssh - don't really want to put Chrome on there to test the Web IDE, but I might resort to that. (From the laptop, the web IDE connects quite well and fairly quickly.)

    It's not about reliability, to be frank: on the mac mini, espruino command line very consistently fails to connect :-(, and when it does "see" the puck, it always reports "unknown" as the address. If it wasn't for the laptop I wouldn't even know what its MAC address was.

    So this is the failure I always see on the mac mini. It works about 1 in 2 from macbook.

    espruino -p cd:47:aa:41:44:2d
    Espruino Command-line Tool 0.0.30
    Connecting to 'cd:47:aa:41:44:2d'
    Port "cd:47:aa:41:44:2d" not found
    Unable to connect!

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