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  • I like Odroids because they are fast and cheap, though not as cheap as the RPi. I mostly just followed the directions for installing the hub on a RPi. Everything was looking good on the XU4 but when I tried to start the hub I got a screen full of errors.

    So I said 'ok', went and dusted off a RPi 2 and loaded everything up there. This time the startup was fine and the EspruinoHub was working fine.

    Went back to the XU4 and looked at those errors again. Despite looking like a crash with a bunch of uncaught errors, the basic problem really was 'unable to connect to mqtt', and 'not authorized'. The problem was that unlike the RPi, the mosquitto server for Ubuntu by default does not allow anonymous connections. So I changed the config to allow anonymous and now the hub works perfectly.

    Tl;Dr - EspruinoHub works great on Odroid and Ubuntu. Just need to allow anonymous to mosquitto


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