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  • I just received my pucks yesterday (love the build quality and feel btw,) and am having some problems with the NFC. Here are my current running details;

      "VERSION": "1v90",
      "BUILD_DATE": "Dec 16 2016",
      "BUILD_TIME": "14:49:15",
      "GIT_COMMIT": "5135ed57fe5f3a23e335896be41f283878087d1­5",
      "BOARD": "PUCKJS",
      "CHIP": "NRF52832",
      "CHIP_FAMILY": "NRF52",
      "FLASH": 524288, "RAM": 65536,
      "CONSOLE": "Bluetooth"

    It's looking like NFC works directly after a hard reset (i.e. taking the battery out, holding down the button, reinserting the battery and holding for 3 seconds.) After a few minutes, however, it stops working. Even resetting/reuploading the code via the IDE does not work.

    Any ideas?


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