• Update on this. After many distractions, hw fails and quite a bit of effort my long life GPS logger is largely working as I wanted. Thanks for the help.

    I ended up using a MOSFET to switch power to the GPS, new knowledge and a new ability for me (and some more ugly soldering, sigh). I'm keeping it simple and logging to SD. I stuck with the HC-05 and this is working decently. The learning curve concerning the switching from USB to Serial1 console was steeper than I thought, but have now finally grokked that. I'm using Blueterm to query the unit at set times. (Blueterm+ does not have an output save option).

    I am doing some more tests now and I will post back how long I expect it to last on which sized battery, pseudo code :

    wake up every hour, on the hour
    if h hour is a match, turn on gps, log data,
    if h hour is a match, turn on Serial1 and listen for instructions for m minutes
    go back to deep sleep

    However, as I work though this project it has become clear to me (as I am horizon watching all the time) that instead of me having to physically be next to the device to download the captured data over BT at a very exact set time which may not be convenient, I could use a beacon to detect my phone is in range, and they wake up the device and switch Serial1 on for m minutes.

    Now I've ordered some Pucks like a good-un but I think they'd be overkill for this . I wondered if anyone could give me a pointer on whether there are any basic cheap beacons I could use for this, and if they've had any luck getting a beacon to send enough power to signal to Espruino to wake out of Deep Sleep? Is this even doable?

    This would make things far more convenient.


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