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  • Tage, thanks for your concern. But I think there may be some confusion. I am not trying blindly to substitute relays to get rid of the problems with the EMI. I'll be decoupling the 5v DC power to try to finish accomplishing that. That being said, if you think the sain-smart relays were a bad choice to drive little 1&2 amp loads, I'd sure like to know what I might replace them with.

    You do raise an interesting point tho' as my contraption does have wires coming out of it that are not intended to carry mains voltage. Are you are saying that if there was some arcing situation within the powerstrip that mains current could exit it via the signal wires and be available for contact? In that case I think I'd be lucky in that the pico would die and the circuit would then be unable to be closed by contact, yes?

    In any case, would it be sufficient to place GFCI protection between the mains and my contraption? something like this:­ower-Strips-Timers/I/GFCI-Outlet-Adapter­s.aspx (just to pick one that I found in a few moments searching.)

    Now these other relays are for a different project, and I should have started a different thread. This other project has absolutely nothing to do with the mains.

    The smaller relays that I'm looking at are to achieve conductivity between two wires to replace mechanical switches that are used in a battery operated device that considers the closing of the contacts a reason to send a complicated signal via bluetooth to a computer.


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