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  • Hi,

    I got some ESP8266 modules and one I already use to control my heating with pimatic and the MQTT protocol. Currently I programmed the ESP8266 the Arduino way using an Arduino Client for MQTT. It proved to be very stable, currently almost 28 days online!

    I would like to program the modules with JavaScript (and preferably Typescript) so I looked into the Espruino implementation of MQTT. To be honest it appeared to lack the quality I like to see for such an important library. I also miss some features which are important for my use case, like Last Will and Testament and sending retained messages.

    Since I also wanted to get my feet wet with TypeScript and the node.js stack, I decided to start a small open source project where I will rewrite the current MQTT implementation and extend it. I currently rewrote it and I also fixed some issues.

    I hope it is useful for others too and I would really like to get some feedback on this project. Please let me know.



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