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  • Hi everyone,

    I've spent the last (long) while designing and building some Node.js based software that works as a Web of Things hub. It's designed to connect lots of devices (built or bought) and services together using Web standards (WebSockets, TCP sockets, JSON, HTTP, etc.) as opposed to proprietary formats and APIs.

    Why not Internet of Things? Because it's not about the underlying connections (WiFi, Zigbee, serial); they can be anything. ub is a layer on top of that.

    The best feature is that its main client is based on Espruino! Espruino allows you to have JavaScript from the browser to the device, so messages don't need to be reformatted or translated to go from one end of the system to the other. It's also free, open source and actively seeking contributions.

    That sounded a lot more like an advert than I wanted it to! It's part of my PhD project so while it works, it's not bug free yet. I'd be really interested in your feedback as it's primarily aimed at people like you, and was originally built for Espruino devices.

    Here's the link and please let me know what you think:



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