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  • Hi Gordon! I just ordered another Pico and an adapter board via Tindie, so I thought it a good moment to comment on the funding issue. I am probably not representative of the main contributors here (~70 retired from a UNIC/C environment), but am fascinated by the idea of having Espruino for embedded projects. I am buying the extra Pico to support Espruino development work. For me something more like the form factor of the original Espruino would be better, but I wanted the ram and flash of the Pico. I am hoping the adapter board will help me move beyond a protoboard with the Pico, but the 0.05" connectors are a big hurdle for me. Perhaps selling a "pinned" board with the smaller connector pinned as well would be possible?

    I suspect getting funding for a software-only product is difficult, so maybe a relationship with the Nucleo folks (I really like Espruino on the Nucleo F411RE) would be an option? I know they have mbed, but a few minutes playing with Espruino should convince them that it would be worth supporting development for their platform.

    As far as size goes, I think small beyond a certain point is not valuable unless the price can become trivial (ESP8266). On the other hand, wireless communication is very desirable (not necessarily wifi due to power requirements).

    Hope these observations are useful, and keep up the good work.


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