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  • I've been working on creating a module for DMX... Not done this before, how does this stack up?

    var exports = {};
    function DMX( serial, interrupt ) { = new Uint8Array( 512 ); = 0;
      this.serial = serial;
      this.interrupt = interrupt;
      // Setup serial port
      this.serial.setup( 250000 );
      this.serial.on( 'data', this.newData );
      // Listeners
      this.dataListeners = [];
      this.channelListeners = {};
      // Listen for the interrupt pin to drop
      setWatch( this.newFrame, this.interrupt, { repeat: true, edge: 'falling' } );
    // Handle new bytes of data as they come in
    DMX.prototype.newData = function( d ) {
      // Store the bytes received at the buffer index d, );
      // Move the buffer index along. += d.length;
    // Send out notifications to all event listeners when frame is complete.
    DMX.prototype.newFrame = function() {
      // Reset the byte buffer index to 0 for the next frame of data. = 0;
      // Itterate through all the registered data listeners and send them the data
      for ( var i in DMX.dataListeners )
        DMX.dataListeners[i]( );
      // Itterate through all the registered channel listeners and send them their channel values
      for ( var ch in DMX.channelListeners )
        for ( var j in DMX.channelListeners[ch] )
          DMX.channelListeners[ch][j]([ ch ] );
    // Handle registration to event notifications
    DMX.prototype.on = function( type, handler ) {
      // If data listener: push function onto array
      if ( type == 'data' ) DMX.dataListeners.push( handler ); 
      // If channel listener
      if ( type >= 1 && type <= 512 ) {
        // Check channel for existing listeners
        if ( DMX.channelListeners[type] !== undefined ) {
          // Push additional listener onto array
          DMX.channelListeners[type].push( handler );
        } else {
          // Otherwise: create new array with listener in it
          DMX.channelListeners[type] = [ handler ];
    // Export the module
    exports.connect = function( serial, interrupt ) {
      return new DMX( serial, interrupt );
    var DMX = exports.connect( Serial2, B9 );
    // Listen for changes on channel 1
    DMX.on( 1, function( val ) {
      analogWrite( LED1, val / 255, { forceSoft: true } );
    } );
    // Listen for changes on channel 2
    DMX.on( 2, function( val ) {
      analogWrite( LED2, val / 255, { forceSoft: true } );
    } );
    // Listen for changes on channel 3
    DMX.on( 3, function( val ) {
      analogWrite( LED3, val / 255, { forceSoft: true } );
    } );
    // Listen for full frames of data
    DMX.on( 'data', function( data ) {
    //  console.log( data );
    } );