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  • Hey,
    thanks for your really good support. The LED is connected in right way. That was the first, what i checked. But it was a really nice thinking :)
    Yesterday, i tested a little bit and solve the problem. The solution is (for me) confusing and i don`t know the technical details.

    Sending a zero:

    [1.0, gap]

    Sending a 1:

    [gap, 1.0]

    and as last bit for end of transmitting:


    If you send no 'gap' as last, it won`t be shown the string in the console.

    Complete code for sending '101001':

    digitalWrite(B7, 0); // Set B7 to GND
    digitalWrite(A8, 1); // Set A8 to 3.3V
    // Because we're not using the module, we have to manually pull up the data pin
      var gap = 0.5;
    //  var pulse = [0.6, gap, 0.6, gap, gap, 2.0, gap, gap, 0.6];
        var pulse = [gap, 1.0, 1.0, gap, gap, 1.0, 1.0, gap, 1.0, gap, gap, 1.0, gap];
      analogWrite(A5, 0.9,{freq:38000});
      digitalPulse(A6, 1, pulse);
      digitalPulse(A6, 1, 0);

    best regards


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