• @Ingmar_Guillaume OK, if the task is successfully fulfilled (new FW flashed) then the solution with USB is better... requires less sources.
    BTW... There is no need to solder anything in my solution if you have pinned Pico... see the picture (Connection_flash.png).
    For those who work under Windows I have following solution. The flasher and file with new FW are in the attachment. The procedure and short program for Pico are almost the same (only another flasher, see the picture Windows_flash.png) as in my contribution #6.

    var baud=115200;
    Serial1.setup(baud, { rx: B7, tx : B6 });
    Serial2.setup(baud, { rx: A3, tx : A2 });
    console.log("Start flash ->");
    Serial1.on('data',function(d) {Serial2.write(d);});
    Serial2.on('data',function(d) {Serial1.write(d);});

    3 Attachments


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