• Thanks for the comment @allObjects!

    My mixer has AES, AVIOM, CobraNet, MADI and Si BLU link - but I don't want a digital snake / digital multi cable. I want a really simple summing box - so that's what I'm making :)
    (A digital snake would be an awesome project, but I think I'd need to do FPGA then)

    When installing an audio system, cables are the way to go. This is just a project to cover my personal need. I almost never work at the same venue, I always bring the entire rig and most times I mix ensables that use a very uniform set of microphones (i.e chiors small orchestras and the like). Currently I'm dragging two consoles with me, this goal is to cut the one console out of the equation.
    My typical setup:

    I do agree that having cables would feel (and probably be) more reliable. Though, I've had great results with the ESP8266 for halls and the like (I'll skip Bluetooth, the range is just not there). I'm hesitent to try 433MHz because in norway that band is used to distribute sound to ear pieces of the hearing impaired. Don't want to mess around with that.
