• the enclosure is a PPLX box from http://www.pactecenclosures.com. somebody at work was giving away unused boxes so I got a few for free. the NHD‐0420D3Z‐NSW‐BBW‐V3 display fits after I milled away part of the standoffs that hold the screws for the lid, I just used a drillpress with a router bit. when cutting the opening I make it only large enough that the display can be inserted with some force, then it requires no mounting screws.
    The idea with bar graphs is definitely interesting. I am measuring four analog signals (V and A on input and output) and also two temperature signals and for diagnostics half a dozen other signals.
    I am having trouble with the HC-05 bluetooth connection, it does not seem to be reliable enough for downloading or reflashing. perhaps it is a noise related issue, but I have tried many different bluetooth dongles on my pc and come to the conclusion that bluetooth drivers on Windows 7 64 bit is a mess. this is the one problem I must solve before the control box can be used as intended. it is out of the question to connect a USB cable to the Espruino. I really need the bluetooth connection to work. or perhaps I should go for wifi. I would like to include a relatively large operators manual on the SD card and also make it possible to upgrade the data on the card.


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