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  • @asez73, thanks for the info, very helpful :)

    @DaveNI, please let us know which version (C-01 or C-02) of the Nucleo board you get from Mouser, thanks!

  • I missed the FedEx delivery this afternoon but have just picked up my delivery from the depot - the first thing I did was look at the F401 version - like you it's the C-01. Hopefully we can make use of them!

    I am also from a software background and have little hardware experience. I have been using one of Gordon's boards for a few weeks and have really enjoyed it.

    It's a long wait until April for your picos - maybe you should get an official board - if you do just make sure it is a 1v4. I ended up with a 1v3 from digital means but it's fine - very robust & has endured my clumsy soldering!


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