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  • Edit: Multiple edits, I apologize if anyone read this post while I kept fixing it!

    OK, first simple is the code I used:

    setWatch(function(e) {  console.log(getTime());
      console.log(e.time - e.lastTime); }, BTN, { repeat:true, edge:'falling', debounce:10});

    I pressed/released the button, waited 60 seconds wall time, then pressed/released the button:

    3.37781286905 // ignore this

    So 60 seconds wall time was approximately 11.4 seconds "computer" time, about a 5 1/4 times slowdown.
    Any ideas?

    BTW: I appreciate your code, and I get it; it helps me to see examples right now to absorb them. I'm just not sure I need more than the setWatch() you helped me set up to know that something is up.


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