• I've been using my espruino for a few days now and have been really impressed. The experience has helped improve my JavaScript knowledge and I now really like the async nature of the language.

    Although it's great being able to just type a command into the console window and have it execute I tend to use the RHS of the IDE too much which is more like a traditional 'compiled' environment.

    It would be extremely useful if it was possible to send just the function currently being edited in the IDE to the console - this could call the 'edit' function and replace the existing function without resetting the running code (I realise the full outer function would probably need replaced).

    Another idea would be to highlight a section of code in the IDE and send it to the console where it would be executed.

    The IDE could possibly have a right click context menu with the options 'Replace current function' and 'Execute highlighted code'.

    Just a couple of ideas which may add to the USP of the espruino platform!


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