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  • Hey guys, Super stoked on the Espruino, looks like a great platform. That being said, just having some small issues getting started.

    I've installed the Chrome App on OS X, and have a regular Espruino board.

    Now, I've hooked up a DHT11 to a pin (I've tried B2, B3, C0, C1, C2).

    However, using the IDE, I cannot transfer over my sketches. I'm trying simply to use the example provided.

    var dht = require("DHT11").connect(whatever pin im trying); (a) {
      console.log("Temp is "+a.temp.toString()+" and RH is "+a.rh.toString());

    and nothing happens when i try to send this to the espruino. It just hangs on


    It seems to be an issue with importing modules, as the same happens for a BMP085. Is there something wrong?
