Hi Gordon,
Thanks for the consideration of your timely reply.
OK, for some reason I thought the email instance would expire.
And yes I've been forced to change my university email a couple of times since graduation, etc. , and I am rocking several machines both Linux and Windows so it's easy to get sideways with the cookies.
I guess correctly on the original email address, I used was issued a new code, and used that to get into my correct "Rando" profile.
All well.
By the was was able to update my Puck.js to 2.06, and then connect like a dream from Ubuntu 16.04, my new Android 8.1 phone is much faster, visa vi, DFU than my Nexus 7.
Great job!
I tired this ...
adalink nrf52832 --programmer jlink --wipe --program-bin espruino_2v04_mdbt42q_app.bin 0x0000 -v
Seemed like it should have been correct and effective, but apparently is not :(.
I don't see the module advertising from the web-ble in Chrome.
I'll attach a dump of the verbose output for the ambitious to purview.
Related, can someone give me a simple command line to flash the nRF52832 via Jlink edu, with the contents of the new 2.01+ versions of Espruino for the MDBT42Q? I was struggling with the build process because I couldn't load the latest and greatest Espruino 2.04 for that module.
nrfjprog seems to be able to handle *.hex files only.
I tweeted as follows ...
"Disappointed to see the Nordic nRF52832-DK not being supported going forward for new builds of Espruino. I've bought literally dozens of nRF based products because it's so easy to test the Espruino code, drop and add, to the nRF52-DK, and I would think it's a great platform going forward, esp. on the nRF52840 dongle. Get a lot of new players into coding your great products..."
Howdy all,
I'm wondering if any one has a handle on how much data can be pumped out of the Puck.js via the BLE UART service, in the real world, bytes/sec. I know there is a lot of over head, as long as I have a timestamp on the data, it can lag quite a bit, just needs to be error free and no dropped information.
I found this blog posting today, relevant I think
"However searching for “TW64 nRF51822” does find some watches marketed as a TW64 which do contain the nRF51822, which lead me to Shenzhen DO Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. on Alibaba. I contacted them to find out more details and found that all of their smart watch/ fitness trackers use the nRF51822
Their product numbers are P101,P102,ID100HR,ID105,ID105HR,ID107,ID107HR,ID101HR,ID110HR,ID111HR and ID115HR
So if you are looking for an nRF51 based smart watch, your best bet is to search using one of those model numbers, and double check the details in the eBay / AliExpress / Gearbest etc listing to confirm it does mention the nRF51822
In the end I decided to buy an ID100HR and a ID107HR, via AliExpress."
These caveats, I assume, guarantee getting a fitness band with a nRF51822 ARM BLE SoC on board...
Thank you! This is a great hack, hoping to participate.
I was able to find this link for similar U.S. ...
http://www.ebay.com/itm/141945516791, I took a gamble on this being a nRF51822 version.
Also, this is relevant.
This is clearly label nRF51822, but twice the cost.
Howdy all!
I am attempting to build for two discovery boards today, the F3, which seems uncomplicated and the 401C F4, which the F4 Discovery boards seem to have several "flavours".
I was seeing several build strategies, over the years, one involves an Oracle Virtualbox vm, another Amazon cloud EC2 image?
Anyway I downloaded the latest and greatest Espruino from github, typed I hope the correct build instructions but was not able to get a successful build. So my next step would to take a fresh Virtuabox VM, install arm-2013.11-24-arm-none-eabi.bin arm x-compiler (hope that's close enough) and retire off my main build machine to a environ more comfortable/familiar to the Espruino build procedure.
My question is/are does that seem like a good plan, and does the STM32F4 machine build refer to the 401C I'm hoping? I think the F3 should just work once I have the tool chain set up correct.
Ps. I wouldn't be above simply flashing a binary file to test. I will try from here, I think the STM32F4 Discovery build is for the '407 not '401C but I will try it. I am still to unravel, exactly what the differences are esp. regarding the on board motion sensors.
I'm wondering if it would be possible to extend the WebIDE just so....
Make sense?
Hi All!,
Any insight on how to get started either extending/writing new a web app that could run on a Chromebook/ChromeOS to take the serial data stream from the Espruino and save it to a Google Apps spread sheet.?
I'm at square one, and would like some advice on how to proceed. Tools, examples, resources and ideas would help immensely.
My Best all...
Err, 2.08 I mean obviously.