@Gordon, When I download the configuration file (1st file), "flash mode" without problem but this error is displayed:
- WARNING: scan stop failed
- WARNING: set rssi scan not implemented yet
Then after the reset, the config is present. But when I try to upload in RAM the second file, the sending stops before the end and impossible to save it!
- Prompt not detected -upload failed - Trying to recover ...
- WARNING: scan stop failed
just put my infos please if you share the font :
BullzLabz - FM
https://github.com/BullzLabzI'll create a repo for all fonts that I've created for SSD1306/SSH1306 and Espruino because I've created two others segment fonts
I tried a different ways for display my image, with a custom font, and the result is the same !! Don't work ! Grrr
function LogoDisplay(){ if (!display) { NumControl(); return; } var x1x2 = 1; g.clear(); var font = atob("AAAAfgH+/gH//nn//nn/8HgP8HgP////////////f//+AAAAAAAAf//+////////////8HgP8HgP/n///n///n//fj/+AAAAAAAAf//+////////////8AAP8AAP////////////f//+AAAAAAAA////////////////AAAPAAAPAAAPAAAAAAAAAeH+A+P/B+f/B+f/B48PB48OB///B///A///Af//AAAAAAAA////////////////A4AOB4APB///B///B///A//+AAAAAAAAB4APB4B/B4H/B4f/B7//B//PB/8PB/wPB+APAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"); g.setFontCustom(font, 49, 12, 24); g.drawRect(22, 4, 107, 43); g.drawString("123", 25, 8); g.drawString("4567", 61, 16); g.drawLine(26, 34, 59, 34); g.drawLine(26, 35, 59, 35); g.drawLine(26, 36, 59, 36); g.drawLine(26, 37, 59, 37); g.drawLine(26, 38, 59, 38); g.drawLine(26, 39, 59, 39); g.flip(); var preloader = setInterval(function () { g.setContrast(x1x2); g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.flip(); if (x1x2 > 126) { clearInterval(preloader); NumControl(); StartDisplay(); wifiConnect(); } }, 10); }
Hi @Robin
For the process.memory :
"free": 983, "usage": 4017, "total": 5000, "history": 33, "gc": 45, "gctime": 2.454
For the process.env :
Hi @Gordon,
With the last firmware version, this is the screenshots result for the config file, and for the project code (2nd file).
And this is the code :
The config file :
fs = require("fs"); var config = { firmwareVersion: 'PhotoPizza v5', wifiSsid: 'PhotoPizza', wifiPassword: '9994501234', wsPort: 8000, state: 'waiting',//started framesLeft: 36, frame: 36, allSteps: 109000, pause: 100, delay: 300, speed: 3000, acceleration: 100, shootingMode: 'inter', direction: 1 }; function saveConfig() { fs.writeFileSync('config.txt', JSON.stringify(config)); console.log('Save config'); } E.flashFatFS({ format: true }); saveConfig(); var riadTimer = setTimeout(function () { var readConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("config.txt")); console.log(readConfig); }, 1000);
And the code of project :
var config = {}; var run = function () { function saveConfig() { if (JSON.stringify(config) != fs.readFileSync("config.txt") && !setupMode) { fs.writeFileSync('config.txt', JSON.stringify(config)); console.log('Save config'); } } var photoPizzaIp = 'disconnected'; var wifi = require('Wifi'); var wsocket; var server; function wifiConnect() { wifi.connect(config.wifiSsid, {password: config.wifiPassword}, function() { console.log(`Web server running at http://${wifi.getIP().ip}:${config.wsPort}`); photoPizzaIp = wifi.getIP().ip; StartDisplay(); }); server = require('ws').createServer(); server.listen(config.wsPort); server.on("websocket", function(ws) { wsocket = ws; ws.send(JSON.stringify(config)); ws.on('message',function(msg) { var configIn = JSON.parse(msg); config = configIn; //console.log(config); NumControl(); if (configIn.state === 'start' && config.state != 'started') { BtnStart(); config.state = 'started'; ws.send(JSON.stringify(config)); } if (configIn.state === 'infinity' && config.state != 'started') { infiniteRotation(); ws.send(JSON.stringify(config)); } if (configIn.state === 'stop') { BtnStop(); } }); ws.on('close', function() { wsocket = false; }); }); wifi.on('disconnected', function() { console.log('Lost WIFI! Disconnected.'); photoPizzaIp = 'disconnected'; StartDisplay(); }); } /////////////////////////// require("Font8x16").add(Graphics); var irCode = 0; var irDigital = '1'; var simNum = 0; //DISPLAY var display = true; var marker = 0; var indent = 13; var dispay_2 = false; var setupMode = false; var dirDisplay = ''; var nameIndent = 48; //STEPPER var pinStep = D12; var pinEn = D27; var pinDir = D14; var stOn = 0; var stOff = 1; var _speed = 1; var calibration = false; var deg90flag = false; digitalWrite(pinStep, 0); digitalWrite(pinEn, 1); digitalWrite(pinDir, config.direction); //RELAY var pinRelay = D26; var pinLaser = D25; var relayOn = false; var rOn = 0; var rOff = 1; digitalWrite(pinRelay, rOff); digitalWrite(pinLaser, rOn); //P8.mode('analog'); //FLAGS var startFlag = false; var poweroff = false; var infiniteFlag = false; require("IRReceiver").connect(D13, function(code) { var _code = parseInt(code, 2); var btn; if (_code === 6450803341 || _code === 25803213367) { btn = 1; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450819151 || _code === 25803276607) { btn = 2; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450786511 || _code === 25803146047) { btn = 3; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450795181 || _code === 25803180727) { btn = 4; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450810991 || _code === 25803243967) { btn = 5; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450778351 || _code === 25803113407) { btn = 6; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450799261 || _code === 25803197047) { btn = 7; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450815071 || _code === 25803260287) { btn = 8; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450782431 || _code === 25803129727) { btn = 9; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450806911 || _code === 25803227647) { btn = 0; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 25803148087 || _code === 6450787021) { btn = 'CALIBR'; console.log(btn); } // if (_code === 6450774781 || _code === 25803099127) { // btn = 'R POWER'; // console.log(btn); // } if (_code === 6450823741 || _code === 25803294967) { btn = 'SETUP'; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450800791 || _code === 25803203167) { btn = 'UP'; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450796711 || _code === 25803186847) { btn = 'DOWN'; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450809461 || _code === 25803237847) { btn = 'LEFT'; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450776821 || _code === 25803107287) { btn = 'RIGHT'; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450825271 || _code === 25803301087) { btn = 'OK'; console.log(btn); } if (_code === 6450813031 || _code === 25803252127) { btn = '90DEG'; console.log(btn); } console.log(_code); if (setupMode && btn === 1 || setupMode && btn === 2 || setupMode && btn === 3 || setupMode && btn === 4 || setupMode && btn === 5 || setupMode && btn === 6 || setupMode && btn === 7 || setupMode && btn === 8 || setupMode && btn === 9 || setupMode && btn === 0) { console.log('input'); IrInput(btn); return; } if (btn === 'SETUP' && !setupMode && !poweroff && !infiniteFlag && !startFlag && !deg90flag) { SettingsDisplay_1(); console.log('Setup'); simNum = 0; return; } else if (btn === 'SETUP' && setupMode) { setupMode = false; NumControl(); StartDisplay(); console.log('Setup Exit'); return; } if (btn === 'OK' && startFlag && !poweroff || btn === 'OK' && infiniteFlag && !poweroff) { startFlag = false; infiniteFlag = false; BtnStop(); console.log('OK STOP'); simNum = 0; return; } if (btn === 'OK' && !infiniteFlag && !startFlag && !poweroff) { BtnStart(); console.log('OK START'); simNum = 0; return; } if (btn === 'DOWN' && !dispay_2 && setupMode) { marker = marker + indent; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum = 0; console.log('Down D1'); return; } else if (btn === 'DOWN' && dispay_2 && setupMode) { marker = marker + indent; SettingsDisplay_2(); console.log('Down D2'); simNum = 0; return; } if (btn === 'UP' && !dispay_2 && setupMode) { marker = marker - indent; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum = 0; console.log('UP D1'); return; } else if (btn === 'UP' && dispay_2 && setupMode) { marker = marker - indent; SettingsDisplay_2(); console.log('UP D2'); simNum = 0; return; } if (btn === 'RIGHT' && !dispay_2 && setupMode) { SettingsDisplay_2(); console.log('Right'); simNum = 0; return; } if (btn === 'LEFT' && dispay_2 && setupMode) { SettingsDisplay_1(); console.log('Left'); simNum = 0; return; } if (btn === 'RIGHT' && !setupMode && !startFlag) { digitalWrite(pinDir, 1); digitalWrite(pinStep, 0); digitalWrite(pinEn, stOn); _speed = 1; infiniteRotation(); console.log('Right rotation'); return; } if (btn === 'LEFT' && !setupMode && !startFlag) { digitalWrite(pinDir, 0); digitalWrite(pinStep, 0); digitalWrite(pinEn, stOn); _speed = 1; infiniteRotation(); console.log('Left rotation'); return; } if (btn === 'CALIBR' && !calibration && !poweroff) { Calibration(); return; } else if (btn === 'CALIBR' && calibration && !poweroff) { calibration = false; Stop(); } deg90flag = false; if (btn === '90DEG' && !calibration && !poweroff && !deg90flag) { deg90flag = true; deg90(); return; } else if (btn === '90DEG' && calibration && !poweroff) { deg90flag = false; Stop(); } if (btn === 'R POWER' && !poweroff) { g.off(); poweroff = true; Stop(); digitalWrite(pinLaser, rOff); return; } else if (btn === 'R POWER' && poweroff) { g.on(); poweroff = false; LogoDisplay(); digitalWrite(pinLaser, rOn); return; } }); function LogoDisplay(){ if (!display) { NumControl(); return; } var x1x2 = 1; g.clear(); g.setFontBitmap(); g.setFont8x16(); g.drawString(config.firmwareVersion, 10, 45); g.flip(); var preloader = setInterval(function () { g.setContrast(x1x2); g.drawLine(x1x2, 20, x1x2, 30); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 20, x1x2, 30); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 20, x1x2, 30); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 20, x1x2, 30); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 20, x1x2, 30); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 20, x1x2, 30); x1x2 += 2; g.flip(); if (x1x2 > 126) { clearInterval(preloader); NumControl(); StartDisplay(); wifiConnect(); } }, 10); } function StartDisplay(){ if (!display) { return; } g.clear(); g.setFontVector(35); g.drawString(config.framesLeft + ' f', 0, 0); g.flip(); g.setFontBitmap(); g.setFont8x16(); g.drawString('IP:' + photoPizzaIp, 0, 45); g.flip(); } function SettingsDisplay_1(){ if (!display) { return; } setupMode = true; dispay_2 = false; if (marker > indent * 4) { marker = 0; } else if (marker < 0) { marker = indent * 4; } g.clear(); g.setFontBitmap(); g.setFont8x16(); g.drawString('>', 1, marker); g.drawString('>', 117, 28); g.drawString('1', 117, 0); g.drawLine(112, 0, 112, 127); g.drawString('frame', 8, 0); g.drawString('=', nameIndent, 0); g.drawString(config.frame, 57, 0); g.drawString('delay', 8, indent); g.drawString('=', nameIndent, indent); g.drawString(config.delay, 57, indent); g.drawString('pause', 8, indent * 2); g.drawString('=', nameIndent, indent * 2); g.drawString(config.pause, 57, indent * 2); g.drawString('speed', 8, indent * 3); g.drawString('=', nameIndent, indent * 3); g.drawString(config.speed, 57, indent * 3); g.drawString('accel', 8, indent * 4); g.drawString('=', nameIndent, indent * 4); g.drawString(config.acceleration, 57, indent * 4); g.flip(); } function SettingsDisplay_2(){ if (!display) { return; } if (config.direction === 1) { dirDisplay = 'right'; } else { dirDisplay = 'left'; } setupMode = true; dispay_2 = true; if (marker > indent * 2) { marker = 0; } else if (marker < 0) { marker = indent * 2; } g.clear(); g.setFontBitmap(); g.setFont8x16(); g.drawString('>', 1, marker); g.drawString('<', 117, 28); g.drawString('2', 117, 0); g.drawLine(112, 0, 112, 127); nameIndent = 48; g.drawString('mode', 8, 0); g.drawString('=', nameIndent, 0); g.drawString(config.shootingMode, 57, 0); g.drawString('direc', 8, indent); g.drawString('=', nameIndent, indent); g.drawString(dirDisplay, 57, indent); g.drawString('steps', 8, indent * 2); g.drawString('=', nameIndent, indent * 2); g.drawString(config.allSteps, 57, indent * 2); g.drawString('IP:' + photoPizzaIp, 8, indent * 4); g.flip(); } function IrInput(btn) { irDigital = btn + ''; if (!dispay_2 && marker === 0 && simNum <= 7 && simNum > 0) { config.frame = (config.frame + irDigital) * 1; NumControl(); SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === 0 && simNum === 0 && irDigital != '0') { config.frame = ''; config.frame = (config.frame + irDigital) * 1; NumControl(); SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === indent && simNum <= 7 && simNum > 0) { config.delay = (config.delay + irDigital) * 1; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === indent && simNum === 0 && irDigital != '0') { config.delay = ''; config.delay = (config.delay + irDigital) * 1; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === indent * 2 && simNum <= 7 && simNum > 0) { config.pause = (config.pause + irDigital) * 1; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === indent * 2 && simNum === 0 && irDigital != '0') { config.pause = ''; config.pause = (config.pause + irDigital) * 1; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === indent * 3 && simNum <= 7 && simNum > 0) { config.speed = (config.speed + irDigital) * 1; NumControl(); SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === indent * 3 && simNum === 0 && irDigital != '0') { config.speed = ''; config.speed = (config.speed + irDigital) * 1; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === indent * 4 && simNum <= 7 && simNum > 0) { config.acceleration = (config.acceleration + irDigital) * 1; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } if (!dispay_2 && marker === indent * 4 && simNum === 0 && irDigital != '0') { config.acceleration = ''; config.acceleration = (config.acceleration + irDigital) * 1; SettingsDisplay_1(); simNum++; } //DISPLAY 2 if (dispay_2 && marker === 0 && irDigital === '1') { config.shootingMode = 'inter'; SettingsDisplay_2(); } if (dispay_2 && marker === 0 && irDigital === '2') { config.shootingMode = 'seria'; SettingsDisplay_2(); } if (dispay_2 && marker === 0 && irDigital === '3') { config.shootingMode = 'nonST'; SettingsDisplay_2(); } if (dispay_2 && marker === 0 && irDigital === '4') { config.shootingMode = 'PingP'; SettingsDisplay_2(); } if (dispay_2 && marker === indent && irDigital === '1') { config.direction = 1; SettingsDisplay_2(); } if (dispay_2 && marker === indent && irDigital === '2') { config.direction = 0; SettingsDisplay_2(); } if (dispay_2 && marker === indent * 2 && simNum <= 7 && simNum > 0) { config.allSteps = (config.allSteps + irDigital) * 1; NumControl(); SettingsDisplay_2(); simNum++; } if (dispay_2 && marker === indent * 2 && simNum === 0 && irDigital != '0') { config.allSteps = ''; config.allSteps = (config.allSteps + irDigital) * 1; NumControl(); SettingsDisplay_2(); simNum++; } } var stepperTime; var accelerationTime; var accIntervalSteps; var accSpeed; var shootingTime1F; var shootingTime; var _shootingTime; var nonStopTimerSpeed; var accSteps; var accStep; function NumControl() { console.log('NumControl'); accSteps = (config.allSteps / config.frame) / 4; accStep = (config.speed / accSteps) * 10; config.framesLeft = config.frame; _speed = 1; var frameSteps = config.allSteps / config.frame; stepperTime = frameSteps / config.speed * 500; var accelerationSteps = frameSteps / 4; accelerationTime = stepperTime / 4; accIntervalSteps = Math.floor(0.04 * accelerationSteps); if (accIntervalSteps <= 0) { accIntervalSteps = 1; } //accStep = config.speed / accIntervalSteps; accSpeed = accelerationTime / accIntervalSteps; shootingTime1F = config.pause + config.delay + stepperTime; shootingTime = shootingTime1F * config.frame; _shootingTime = shootingTime; nonStopTimerSpeed = stepperTime; digitalWrite(pinDir, config.direction); saveConfig(); } function Start() { digitalWrite(pinEn, 0); digitalWrite(pinLaser, rOff); if (config.shootingMode === 'nonST') { startFlag = true; nonStop(); return; } if (config.framesLeft > 0) { startFlag = true; ShotingPause(); } else { Stop(); } } function Stop() { console.log('stop'); clearInterval(); startFlag = false; digitalWrite(pinStep, 0); digitalWrite(pinEn, 1); digitalWrite(pinRelay, rOff); digitalWrite(pinLaser, rOn); //P8.mode('analog'); NumControl(); StartDisplay(); if (wsocket) { config.state = 'waiting'; wsocket.send(JSON.stringify(config)); //wsocket.send(JSON.stringify(config)); } } function nonStop() { if (!startFlag) { return; } digitalWrite(pinLaser, rOff); shot(); config.framesLeft--; StartDisplay(); analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : config.speed } ); var nonStopInterval = setInterval(function () { if (config.framesLeft <= 0) { clearInterval(nonStopInterval); Stop(); return; } shot(); config.framesLeft--; StartDisplay(); }, nonStopTimerSpeed); } function shot() { if (!startFlag) { return; } console.log('shot'); digitalWrite(pinRelay, rOn); relayOn = true; var shotTimer = setTimeout(function () { digitalWrite(pinRelay, rOff); relayOn = false; clearTimeout(shotTimer); }, 100); } function Stepper() { if (!startFlag) { return; } var startSpeed = 1; //analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : config.speed } ); var stepsLeft = config.allSteps / config.frame; console.log('accStep ' + accStep); var stepTimer = setInterval(function () { if (accSteps * 3 < stepsLeft && startSpeed < config.speed) { startSpeed += accStep; analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : startSpeed } ); } if (accSteps >= stepsLeft && startSpeed > 100) { startSpeed -= accStep; if (startSpeed < accStep + 100) { startSpeed = 100; } analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : startSpeed } ); } if (startSpeed > config.speed) { startSpeed = config.speed; analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : startSpeed } ); } stepsLeft -= startSpeed / 100; console.log('stepsLeft ' + stepsLeft); console.log('startSpeed ' + startSpeed); if (stepsLeft <= 0) { clearInterval(stepTimer); _shootingTime = _shootingTime - shootingTime1F; digitalWrite(pinStep, 0); Start(); return; } }, 10); } function ShotingPause() { if (!startFlag) { return; } var pauseTimer = setTimeout(function () { Relay(); clearTimeout(pauseTimer); }, config.pause); } function Relay() { if (!startFlag) { return; } console.log('Relay'); if (config.framesLeft > 0 && startFlag) { relayOn = true; digitalWrite(pinRelay, rOn); //P8.mode('output'); config.framesLeft--; var frameTimer = setTimeout(function () { digitalWrite(pinRelay, rOff); //P8.mode('analog'); if (wsocket) { wsocket.send(JSON.stringify(config)); } relayOn = false; StartDisplay(); Stepper(); clearTimeout(frameTimer); }, config.delay); } else { Stop(); } } function BtnStop() { console.log('BtnStop'); Stop(); } function BtnStart() { startFlag = true; StartDisplay(); Start(); } function infiniteRotation() { digitalWrite(pinLaser, rOff); infiniteFlag = true; g.clear(); g.setFontVector(20); g.drawString('infinite', 0, 0); g.flip(); digitalWrite(pinEn, 0); var accTimerMax = setInterval(function () { analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : _speed } ); _speed = _speed + accStep; if (_speed >= config.speed) { clearInterval(accTimerMax); analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : config.speed } ); } }, accSpeed); } function deg90() { g.clear(); g.setFontVector(20); g.drawString('turn to 90', 0, 0); g.flip(); digitalWrite(pinEn, 0); analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : config.speed } ); var turn = 0; setInterval(function () { if (turn >= config.allSteps / 4) { Stop(); deg90flag = false; } turn = turn + (config.speed / 100); }, 10); } function Calibration() { calibration = true; g.clear(); g.setFontVector(20); g.drawString('calibration', 0, 0); g.flip(); digitalWrite(pinEn, 0); var step1 = true; config.allSteps = 0; analogWrite(pinStep, 0.5, { freq : config.speed } ); setInterval(function () { config.allSteps += config.speed / 100; }, 10); } if (display) { g = require("SH1106").connect(I2C1, LogoDisplay); } }; function onInit () { I2C1.setup({scl:D22, sda:D21}); fs = require("fs"); var riadTimer = setTimeout(function () { config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("config.txt")); config.state = 'waiting'; run(); }, 100); }
I'm new in the Espruino universe, but I'm learning very quickly ;) and I would like to update the code of this project so that it can work with the latest Espruino firmware.
Currently, after performing several tests, the code of this project only works with the 1v95 version, which will admit it to you and the oldest firmware and I would like to enjoy all the improvements that have been brought since.
• Project Page and Instructions
• Github Page of the projectThanks a lot
@MaBe ,
Yes sorry, I forgeted to tell you that I use the code of this project:
And it's in the code of this project that it use "vector" font.
But I'm very interested in how to disable the ble to save space. Could you tell me the procedure please?
@MaBe , thank you for your reply!
I would like but unfortunately i performed several tests and the code only works with 1v95 firmware, the project is getting dated and the code has not been updated.
My little knowledges doesn't allow me (for the moment, because I learn quickly) to update the code so that it works on a more recent firmware.
Thanks a lot @Robin
The second links is usefull 👍🏻
I come here to find an answer to a problem I meet with the "Vector" font on my screen SSD1306.
Is it a normal result, or is there a problem somewhere?
Here is the result I get:
- I admit that it remains legible but the result is still very ugly in the irregular contours of the characters.
If this is totally normal and that it is the same resource you get, would you please a solution with another type of fonts that would have a better result and similar size.
I have already traveled the wiki and the Espruino doc, so please, the answers with only the link to the page of the available fonts is not necessary.
Also, do you know if there is a way to use a font already included in an Arduino library, such as:
• https://github.com/iliapenev/ssd1306_i2c
• https://github.com/ThingPulse/esp8266-oled-ssd1306 - I admit that it remains legible but the result is still very ugly in the irregular contours of the characters.
Voila, after several unsuccessful attempts, I finally managed to make this code work and flash it in my controller.
So I am reply myself to my answer if it can help anyone.
First of all, it's absolutely necessary to use the Espruino 1v95 firmware, because with another version it will not work, the code must not be adapted to more recent versions.
Then the mode to send the first file must be "FLASH" mode, and for the second file it is "RAM" mode.
Here I hope it can help someone. I don't say thank you to anyone on this forum, because no one came to my aid!
With my first test, the image was successfully converted using the Espruino converter!
Otherwise, yes, everything else displays fine, there is static text and dynamic text which displays fine.
For the moment, I have just replaced this image with a simple text and everything works very well!
Here is the screenshot of error!
PS: I'll upload the full code later
Hey @Robin
Thank you for your help, but exactly same result!
Nothing... the smiley face don't appear!
Just for your informations, i use the 1V95 of Espruino firmware because the code that i use isn't updated to work with the last firmware.
I'm totally newbies with Espruino and i'm trying to display my converted image on my SSD1306 but no success.
I tryed several times but it don't work.
This my code :
var mylogo = { width : 34, height : 38, bpp : 1, transparent : 1, palette : new Uint16Array([65535,65535]), buffer : E.toArrayBuffer(atob("//4f////A////4B////AD///4AH///AAP//wAAP/gAAAB4AECABAAQIAAACAQAAA4BwAAHADgAAcAOAIDgAcBgODBwHB4MDg8HAwODwcHg4PBgeBg8GAAGDwQAAIOBAAAgYAAAABAAf4AAAD/wAAAP/AAAA/8AAAE/IAIAAAAB4AAAAf/AAA///AAP//+AB///8AP///4B////wP////h//w")) }; function LogoDisplay(){ if (!display) { NumControl(); return; } var x1x2 = 1; g.clear(); g.drawImage(mylogo, 15, 15); g.flip(); var preloader = setInterval(function () { g.setContrast(x1x2); g.drawLine(x1x2, 50, x1x2, 60); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 50, x1x2, 60); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 50, x1x2, 60); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 50, x1x2, 60); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 50, x1x2, 60); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 50, x1x2, 60); x1x2 += 2; g.flip(); if (x1x2 > 126) { clearInterval(preloader); NumControl(); StartDisplay(); wifiConnect(); } }, 10); }
Someone to help me please?
EDIT: My board is R1 32 Espruino
One little question,
Would it be possible to show me a quick example code to animate each 2s characters, like a slideshow please?