I have the esp8266 serving up some webpages on the esp8266.
I need to be able to store, retrieve & update an object, json file, txt file or XML file
but there's no file system on the espruino.I am thinking to may be just create variables or use an array to store the info within
a js script. I'm wondering if there is a better way?I've studied the http module and am trying to understand if there is a way to
load an array, object that I store in a variable with the USERS and BOARD data.I would need approx 10 users.
id : 100
name : "Dave Coley",
email : "dave@esp8266.ca",
phone : "123-456-7890",
dateAdded : "2021-04-12"
id : "B1001",
bName : "daves_esp8266",
bLocation : "daves_garage",
Another question I have is if I store the data in a javascript file (users.js & board.js)
is it secure?Any help on this would be appreciated.
D -
I am now...
I had tried it twice but nothing came up...
I just tried again json, csv, etc and lots came up in the search so thanks so much.
I'll check out the links you've provided.