Update : working now!
Reading the code from @Zakaton and @Gordon's response I added a
characteristic.handle_cccd = 0x0038;
statement.c.handle_cccd = 0x0038; return c.startNotifications();
Now the Notifications are coming through.
Device connected: A4:C1:38:4E:75:A0 public Service: ebe0ccb0-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6 Characteristic: ebe0ccc1-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6 C: BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic: { "uuid": "ebe0ccc1-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6", "handle_value": 54, "handle_decl": 53, "properties": { "broadcast": false, "read": true, "writeWithoutResponse": false, "write": false, "notify": true, "indicate": false, "authenticatedSignedWrites": false } } Done! temp: 2484 Hum: 53 temp: 2487 Hum: 53 temp: 2486 Hum: 53
Thanks for the inspiration.
I have the same error as the topic starter, not sure if my problem is related, I'm rather new to Espruino/BLE so it may be a "user error".
Here's my code, and the output it produces. It seems to run OK until the point when Notifications are enabled:
var d; var out=""; function getData(){ print("Getting data now"); g.drawString("Getting data now",0,60); NRF.connect("A4:C1:38:4E:75:A0 public").then(function(device) { print("Device connected:",device.device.id); out=device.device.id; g.drawString(out,0,80); d=device; return d.getPrimaryService("EBE0CCB0-7A0A-4B0C-8A1A-6FF2997DA3A6"); }).then(function(s) { out=s.uuid; g.drawString(out,0,105); if(s) { print("Service:",s.uuid); } else { print("S-error"); } return s.getCharacteristic("EBE0CCC1-7A0A-4B0C-8A1A-6FF2997DA3A6"); }).then(function(c) { print("Characteristic:",c.uuid); print("C:",c); out=c.uuid; g.drawString(out,0,130); c.on('characteristicvaluechanged', function(event) { buf =E.toString(event.target.value.buffer); g.drawString(buf,0,155); print(buf); print(event.target.value.buffer); // For 26.0 degrees and 54% is like : new Uint8Array([47, 10, 54, 98, 10]).buffer b=event.target.value.buffer; temp=b[1]*256+b[0]; hum=b[2]; print("temp:",temp, " Hum:",hum); }); // c.on return c.startNotifications(); }).then(function() { console.log("Done!"); }); } // end getData function setWatch(function(){ print("Bangle setwatch on TOP button activated"); g.clear(); g.setFont("Vector",15); getData(); },BTN ,{ repeat:true,debounce:25 } ); /* WEBIDE OUTPUT _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v06 (c) 2019 G.Williams > Bangle setwatch on TOP button activated Getting data now Device connected: A4:C1:38:4E:75:A0 public Service: ebe0ccb0-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6 Characteristic: ebe0ccc1-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6 C: BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic: { "uuid": "ebe0ccc1-7a0a-4b0c-8a1a-6ff2997da3a6", "handle_value": 54, "handle_decl": 53, "properties": { "broadcast": false, "read": true, "writeWithoutResponse": false, "write": false, "notify": true, "indicate": false, "authenticatedSignedWrites": false } } Uncaught Error: Unhandled promise rejection: CCCD Handle not found > */
The NrfConnect output for the Notification is below.
I know the handle for the notification is 0x0038. When I connect to the device using RPI-gatttool using this handle it starts Notifications immediately.:
pi@raspberrypi3:~/Mydata/python/Xiaomi $ gatttool -b a4:c1:38:4e:75:a0 --char-write-req --handle='0x0038' --value="0100" --listen Characteristic value was written successfully Notification handle = 0x0036 value: c5 09 3a 4e 0a Notification handle = 0x0036 value: c4 09 39 4e 0a
Do I need to specify this handle specifically before using
, and if so, how do I do that?Any help is welcome.
Thanks for the extensive explanation, sounds like a perfect addition for the reference. It's clear for me now.
Coming from other languages it feels "natural" to start with an "open" command, so that's the reason why I chose
in the 1st place.This says it all!
Normal Storage functions are what I'd recommend you use for basically everything unless you intend to append textual data (eg a log file). They're much more efficient to write and read.
When I started using Espruino a few weeks ago, I was "fresh" re. Espruino. I found the extensive description really confusing. So I just picked one.
Now being a somewhat "less fresh" user I still wonder why there are 2 different file types. I read and reread the documentation, and still have no idea why the differences. It's probably me .....
Just making sure, my posts were not meant as a gripe, but an attempt to add to the discusion that @MaBe kicked of.
Tested my code once more to verify that both
are recognised.
IT DOES NOT :Ovar Storage = require("Storage"); l=Storage.list(); print(l); function exists(name){ return Boolean(Storage.open(name,"r").addr); } print(exists("news.txt")); print(exists("news.txt\1")); print(exists("nonews.txt")); print(exists("ABC.txt"));
Output is:
falseThe mix of the 2 storage versions does not feel like a blessing anymore :)
When I check for files without an added chunk number (f.i. file ABC.txt) it is recognised perfectly with your code, output is:
existsAs @fanoush explained there are 2 methods to store a file, I happened to use the files with the added chunk number.
Fair enough @MaBe but
is not recognised either.s = require('Storage'); print(s.list()); filename = 'news.txt\1'; if (s.read(filename)!==undefined) { print("exists"); } else { print("does not exists"); }
Output is:
does not exists -
OK, thanks, but all of my files have a .txt extension, and those are not recognised by your code :(
s = require('Storage'); print(s.list()); filename = 'news.txt'; if (s.read(filename)!==undefined) { print("exists"); } else { print("does not exists"); }
Output is:
does not exists -
This works for me. It's based on the fact that
is zero when a file does not exist. When a file existsaddr
is not zero but points to an address in Storage.var Storage = require("Storage"); l=Storage.list(); print(l); function exists(name){ return Boolean(Storage.open(name,"r").addr); } print(exists("news.txt")); print(exists("nonews.txt"));
The output is:
false -
Great, I was just looking for some "file exists" code ;-)
The suggestions work OK for filenames without extension like "ABC". But I want to check for file "news.txt" and all variants report "false/missing".
This is my code
s = require('Storage'); file = { name : 'news.txt', exist : 0}; print(s.list()); // variant I if (s.list().find(e => (e == file.name))) { file.exist = 1; console.log("I",file.name,"exists"); } else { file.exist = 1; console.log("I",file.name,"is missing "); } // variant II if (s.read(file.name)) { file.exist = 1; console.log("II",file.name,"exists"); } else { file.exist = 1; console.log("II",file.name,"is missing "); } // variant III print("III",s.list(/^file.name/)); // variant IV print("IV",s.read(file.name)!==undefined); // variant V print("V",s.read(file.name));
Output is
I news.txt is missing
II news.txt is missing
III [ ]
IV false
V undefined`
This is a working example I have come up with with your help, maybe it's of any use to others.
/* Example of an Espruino Object that fires an event when the button on pin D17 is pressed. */ var P8 = { init : function(){ setWatch(function(){ P8.emit("button","D17"); },D17 ,{ repeat:true,debounce:25 } ); } }; // end of P8 Object // ============================= test of P8 object =============== P8.init(); P8.on('button', function(btn){ print("Button",btn, "press detected");});
Output of the script when the button is pressed:
Button D17 press detected
In this example the init function needs to be called at start of the main script. Not sure if there is a way to move this init into the Object, but this works for me.
I tried the script on my Bangle:
- uploaded the script to the Bangle using WebIDE
- disconnected the Bangle from the WebIDE
- Using NrfConnect on iPhone reveals the Bangle, connected to it, and it shows the advertised services. Writing to
works OK. - To make sure I disconnected the Bangle from NrfConnect, and reconnected. The data I had written was displayed as I sent it. I GUESS this means that the data is written to the Bangle succesfully.
Maybe this helps?
- uploaded the script to the Bangle using WebIDE
@gordon. YES, a simple example like in my previous post would have helped me getting this working. And YES, adding such an example to the doc for on/emit is the perfect place.
Based on the tip from @d3nd3-o0 I changed the example in message #1 to:
var eventEmitter = new Object(); //Create an event handler: var myEventHandler = function () { console.log('I hear a scream!'); }; //Assign the event handler to an event: eventEmitter.on('scream', myEventHandler); //Fire the 'scream' event: eventEmitter.emit('scream');
The result:
I hear a scream!
So that works!
So, there is no need in Espruino to
module, instead you just create anobject
, and use that asevent emitter
.Thanks to @d3nd3-o0 for guiding me in the right direction!
I would like to create my own event handlers similar like the Bangle event handlers, f.i. the "step" handler.
Bangle.on('step', function(up) { print("step was made"); });
Tried this example from https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_events.asp
var events = require('events'); var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter(); //Create an event handler: var myEventHandler = function () { console.log('I hear a scream!'); }; //Assign the event handler to an event: eventEmitter.on('scream', myEventHandler); //Fire the 'scream' event: eventEmitter.emit('scream');
But this results in the error:
I read in the Espruino documentation here http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Object_emit about Object.emit and Object.on but can not find any reference or example on how to setup an eventEmitter in Espruino.
I'm rather new to Espruino/Javascript so maybe there's an obvious answer. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Yes, in this case it seems it's coming from node coming from the Espruino Hub on Arduino.
But it's not PC-only, as my selfcoded BLE-peripheral on an ESP32 has the
unhandled promise....
too :-(And the Bangle code from post #4 has no "code" at all, it's just a httprequest, so thta's not it either.
BTW Espruino code on a bare NRF52832 (version 1V97) i.c.w. the Espruino Hub also has the same error.
Beats me!
As an intermezzo I tried the Bangle.js App Loader from https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps.
Wanted to use it as a "simple" file uploader, but so far I can see the current code does not support that.
As an experiment I copied the
function, slashed it, and created:function cmdUploadFile(fileName, deviceAddress) { bangleSend(fileName, deviceAddress).then(() => process.exit(0)); }
When I executed it I got the dreaded 'Unhandled Prmise Rejection`, there's no escaping it ;-)
iMac19-9:bin gerard$ node apploadergwr.js upload heartOnScreen.js f3-2c-dc-06-01-95 Initialising Notifications <snip> UART: Discovering... UART: Found device: f3-2c-dc-06-01-95 Bangle.js 0195 UART: Connecting to f3-2c-dc-06-01-95 UART: BT> Connecting UART: BT> Connected UART: Disconnected (node:79575) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Disconnected but not complete (node:79575) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 1) (node:79575) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
Not sure if this error message is interesting for you, but here it is.
I always think it's ME, not this time ;-)