@Gordon: So the "bleeding Edge" is currently http://www.espruino.com/binaries/travis/c998d8b6f9d81fa02bcb8765b4203a0e369110f8/ with espruino_2v05.17_banglejs.zip ?
Yes, you could do a tilt compensation, cf. eg. https://www.instructables.com/id/Tilt-Compensated-Compass/ , which is imho a better idea than to incorporate the spritit level.
And then there is the declination and inclination deviation of magnetic and geographic north, cf. https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/WMM/
@Robin: Yes, sort of, the video was taken with Pixel 3, which has a very wide-angled lens and the video was croppend. Rest assured that it was really parallel to the ground floor!
Having sort of spirit level indicator for orientation (bubble in the middle) might be helpful, though. I don't know if the KX023 accelerometer used is capable of providing the necessary data for this.
@Tx: 2.05.442 is here: http://www.espruino.com/binaries/travis/daec4c2ece1cdc52f8784a361b9e48991cf5e78d/
All later builds seem to be some different version. Also currently the bangle build is failing.... -
there are also some animated svg weather icons available here: https://github.com/ghys/org.openhab.ui.iconset.climacons/tree/master/icons
During my i18n of alarms work https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/pull/202 I also experienced these king of problems. When I commented out putting the initial empty json file on the bangle.js during install, the problems went away cf. https://github.com/DerGuteWolf/BangleApps/blob/a794c64c3196f2247aff86ea7150befbd8a19bd5/apps/alarm/alarm.html#L91
@Gordon: ok, I will start development and provide you with a PR.
I would suggest letting the user select two timezones and add a settings entry to switch between those two for people travelling frequently between two two time zones. -
I would suggest adding to the language selection in the language app a selection for the timezone and saving the next few changeover dates together with the amount of change together with the locale stuff.
custom.html could use https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment-timezone-with-data-10-year-range.min.js .
Usage: moment.tz.names(); would give all timezone names to select from (or two step selection with moment.tz.countries() and moment.tz.zonesForCountry(String); ), moment.tz.zone(String) gives the zone data for a selected name.
Either upload this zone data directly or use the packed format: https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment-timezone-utils.js provides moment.tz.pack(UnpackedZoneData)
From https://github.com/moment/moment-timezone/blob/d7f687ea598b205806decd83b78d3ea9ad11a569/moment-timezone.js#L48 to https://github.com/moment/moment-timezone/blob/d7f687ea598b205806decd83b78d3ea9ad11a569/moment-timezone.js#L136 is the code needed on the Bangle.js to unpack data. -
@Johan_O: Problem ist that not everywhere on the globe DST ist +1 hour
You can't simply "detect the location and convert the time to local timezone", this is a bigger problem. There is eg. an google maps api to do this (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/timezone/)
on copyright and related rights" ( https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/PE-51-2019-INIT/en/pdf ) might allow the distribution, as it reads:
"Users should be allowed to upload and make available content generated by users for the specific purposes of quotation, criticism, review, caricature, parody or pastiche."
However I don't know if this is already current law in the UK (this is IMHO an directive which needs to be transformed in national law) . -
IMO you're probably better having something that does all the heavy lifting on the phone
Yes, but this is what I want to avoid, users would have to update the app on the Bangle.js and the Android app for each change. When the heavy lifting is done in a cloud service or in a private server at home and you just use the Android App as a simple proxy, the proxy could stay like it is on updates.
Nordic's own example app
yuk, five years old... lets see...
@Purple-Tentacle: Unfortunatly I got so far no answer to http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/345222/ that should be standard way to achieve this.
@Gordon I like your idea if replacing eg
on upload. You could search for the translation first in an app-specific file and if not found in a common file.
However I still don't like each app to require to have the user choose a language on upload (also this make updating the app to a new version problematic, currently if you update locale, you get always the default language not the language you selected on the upload). As I said, best would be to obtain the language set in the locale file on the device. -
@UweD: What would you (nd the others) suggest: One file per program and language or one file per programm with all languages inside?
@Gordon: My question is more on how to obtain the "actual translation data here". In Locale you select the language on download and then only this language will be in flash. I do not really think it's feasable from usability perspective for alle programs to select the language by themselves on download. Best would be if we could obtain the language set for locale on the device during app download and then only put the selected language (or a fallback language) on the device.
@Robin : Unfortunatly no, my issue from above is not addresses there.
eg. to translate "> New Alarm", "> Save" and "> Back" in alarm.js to german and other languages?
We have locale.lang, but using this naivly would mean to include all language strings in the .js file, which might be bad for memory...
Would it be better to put the strings in a json file, read the file on startup, take only the current language strings and throw away the rest?
Or one json file per language?
Any other ideas to optimize this? -
@MaBe: I think you underestimate the complexities of international summer time rules. First for the southern hemisphere the changes should be otherway round. Second the change dates vary wildly. Third, not always 1 hour, there are also eg 2 hour changes.
@AkosLukacs: I think we could extend the locale html page (using the file from the link for the data) to also offer a timezone selection preset with the browsers current timezome and include in the locale data the next few changeover dates with their offests and names (perhaps in the compact format also available there). We still need to figure how to do the actual change, I think we would need another js file which should be executed at start and contains a setTimeout to do the change on time. I would also include a function to return the current time name.
@jeffmer Thanks, tried your app and it seems to work much better and reliable than the default compass app.