Tested OK save().
>save() =undefined Compacting Flash... Calculating Size... Writing.. Compressed 200000 bytes to 6294
>process.env ={ VERSION: "2v04.121", GIT_COMMIT: "572d768e", BOARD: "NRF52840DONGLE", FLASH: 1048576, RAM: 262144, SERIAL: "321d5edb-78df5aa8", CONSOLE: "Bluetooth", MODULES: "Flash,Storage,hea" ... "etworkJS,neopixel", EXPTR: 536885656 } >
Same thing on my dongle. :(
>save() =undefined Compacting Flash... Calculating Size... Disconnected
>process.memory() ={ free: 12476, usage: 24, total: 12500, history: 7, gc: 0, gctime: 20.05004882812, "stackEndAddress": 537092912, flash_start: 0, "flash_binary_end": 478792, "flash_code_start": 966656, flash_length: 1048576 }
>require("Storage").getFree() =40960 >
I just get espruino on my Thingy:52, followed tutorial. It works very well!
I want to attach an OLED 128x32 driver SSD1306 I2C to display some info.I was unable to connect on the rear SCL/SDA.
Is there an example for Thingy:52 to connect on I2C bus an external sensor (BME280) and an OLED SSD1306?
And one more question, the SWD test pads is available on the PCB?