Having an easy to understand basic Forth implementation on top of a good controller is the target. And then to explain how it all works. I did a couple of eBooks to show examples for beginners.
- Imagine You Invent A Language, chapter 4 in https://wiki.forth-ev.de/doku.php/en:projects:a-start-with-forth:start0 - 12 Instructions / Words to flash a virtual LED - here this could be a real LED.
- Chapter 6 to take this from 12 Words to 35 - an example application. Runs as well using virtual LEDs to be adapted to real ones.
- The Forth LITE Tutorial at https://www.amazon.co.uk/FORTH-LITE-TUTORIAL-compatible-SwiftForth-ebook/dp/B00L0F32Q8/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
And there are many more options.
The same is planned for Python with a Forth written in Python.
- Imagine You Invent A Language, chapter 4 in https://wiki.forth-ev.de/doku.php/en:projects:a-start-with-forth:start0 - 12 Instructions / Words to flash a virtual LED - here this could be a real LED.
Thank you very much Gordon. I like Forth for many years and I like boards. EasuyForth was actually an option to run Forth on the web without implementing anything. And for anybody who does not know what this language is, see on the Forth Inc website the older version https://www.forth.com/starting-forth/ or an updated PDF at http://www.exemark.com/FORTH/StartingFORTHfromForthWebsitev9_2013_12_24.pdf . I came to this website as there are boards that run Javascript and a small Forth written in Javascript - EasyForth that runs on the Internet. I will look at more of the offers here especially the board options. Thanks again Gordon. Anybody interested in Forth can have a look as well at the documentation from the eBook at https://wiki.forth-ev.de/doku.php/en:projects:a-start-with-forth:start0 all part of the Forth Bookshelf at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Juergen-Pintaske/e/B00N8HVEZM.
Gordon, these many Forth implementations are more of a problem than a help. Which one should people try , evaluate, which ones will be supported in the future?
As such the foc commercial MSP VFX LITE versions for MSP430G2553 and for some ARM based Boards are well supported - not only for the maker scene - but as well for later commercial projects.
And Duncan uses this version for the MicroMouse Projects with his Warriors. http://www.micromouseonline.com/2018/04/10/minos-2018-2/