HI ,
I try to connect my new puck.js with windows 7 using bluetooth .
My laptop support Bluetooth and i also pair with my computer .
I am still facing problem to connect with my native IDE .
When i click on connect icon it not show me any new connection .
Console Output :
Web Bluetooth available, but Windows Web Bluetooth is broken in <=60 - not using itPlease help me to figure out this .
name: "Mydevice", // The name of the device
showName: true, // include full name, or nothing
discoverable: true, // general discoverable, or limited - default is limited
connectable: true, // whether device is connectable - default is true
interval: 600, // Advertising interval in msec, between 20 and 10000
manufacturer: 0x0590, // IF sending manufacturer data, this is the manufacturer ID
}); -
Hi All,
i am transmitting BME680 data to my server using websocket . To doing this i am using espruino 1v99.
I am facing issue of low memory every time and unable to write bme680 module code into esp32.
All this things is working fine in espruino 1v96. but i cant use lower version because i have to use BLE feature too.My code :
//ws.send("hello world");
//I2C1.setup({scl:22,sda:23});var wifi = require("Wifi");
E.on('init',function() {
var i2c = new I2C();
i2c.setup({sda:32,scl:33});var bme = require("BME680").connectI2C(i2c, {addr:0x77});
var wifi = require('Wifi');wifi.connect("saurabh.verma", {password:"test1234"}, function(err){
var host = ""; var WebSocket = require("ws"); var ws = new WebSocket(host,{ path: '/', port: 8080, // default is 80 protocol : "echo-protocol", // websocket protocol name (default is none) protocolVersion: 13, // websocket protocol version, default is 13 origin: 'Espruino', keepAlive: 60, headers:{ some:'header', 'ultimate-question':42 } // websocket headers to be used e.g. for auth (default is none) }); ws.on('open', function() { console.log("Connected to server"); }); setInterval(function() { var data = bme.get_sensor_data(); var sensor = {}; sensor.AQI = data; ws.send(JSON.stringify(sensor,null,2)); bme.set_sensor_mode(1); }, 100);
save();Output :
New interpreter error: LOW_MEMORY,MEMORY
WARNING: --- gap_setScan 0
WARNING: Scan stop failed
WARNING: set rssi scan not implemeted yet
WARNING: has central connection not implemented yet
Compacting Flash...
Calculating Size...
Compressed 40000 bytes to 14608
Uncaught Error: Function "connectI2C" not found!
at line 5 col 31
var bme = require("BME680").connectI2C(i2c, {addr:0x77});When i check a memory
{ "free": 2471, "usage": 29, "total": 2500, "history": 0,
"gc": 0, "gctime": 1.799 }its half of previous
I am using huzzah32 board with bme680 on SPI pins
I got faulty measurement every time.
My code is :var spi = new SPI();
spi.setup({miso : 19 , mosi : 18, sck: 5});
var bme = require("BME680").connectSPI(spi, 15);setInterval(function() {
var data = bme.get_sensor_data();
}, 1000);Output: {
"new": true,
"temperature": 102.03690927114,
"pressure": -148.08,
"humidity": 0,
"gas_resistance": 12858837.98880876228
}using I2c its working fine . but i cant use I2c because i attach different sensor with it.
I suck this point :(
HiI am using NodeMcu with espruino_1v96 .
I write a program in debugging mode its working fine . when same program write in NodeMcu using save();
program is not working .here is my Code
var led = new Pin(D4);
var host = "";
var WebSocket = require("ws");var ws = new WebSocket(host,{
path: '/',
port: 8000, // default is 80
protocol : "echo-protocol", // websocket protocol name (default is none)
protocolVersion: 13, // websocket protocol version, default is 13
origin: 'Espruino',
keepAlive: 60,
headers:{ some:'header', 'ultimate-question':42 } // websocket headers to be used e.g. for auth (default is none)
ws.on('open', function() {
console.log("Connected to server");
});ws.on('message', function(msg) {
var data = JSON.parse(msg);
digitalWrite(led, data.bulb?1:0);
hi ,
I am using esp32 huzza32 board . i want to deepsleep my device for several time . but i am unable to sleep my device it restart but never sleep.
My code:
E.on('init',function() {
Output :
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x40078c4c