I'm a non-coder who has recently taken interest in microcontrollers to help make a few things in my life a bit more efficient. Espruino piqued my interest because I am a bit more familiar with Javascript.
Anyway, I'd like to see if I could gain from the forum's collective knowledge on how to choose hardware and platform for my project and if there is someone out there that'd like to take on the project, then I'd be happy to grease the wheels with a bit of money. Plus you'd get to be the first developer commissioned via this forum, so basically also eternal bragging rights.The basic gist is that I have about 1200 square feet divided up into 5 rooms along with a central hallway. In 4 of the rooms, I'd like to be able to push a button that would trigger events on a display housed in the central hallway and an equivalent display (with slightly different functionality) in the 5th room. Each button/room would have its own channel in whichever button system you choose (and if phase I goes well, it'd be great to be able to expand to 8-10 total channels)
The buttons would be used to start, stop and mark events throughout a specified time period. Here are the basic steps:
- A button associated with a specific room would be pressed to start a timer (on display in hallway and room 5) while the button presser is in that room (one of the rooms 1-4). Ideally a light would flash or some sort of feedback would occur to assure that the receiving display(s) received the start signal. If we can assure that nearly all button presses will be received (because whatever wireless solution you choose is so powerful or because we have receivers in each room), then perhaps we don't need a feedback system telling the button presser that the button press was received.
- The button which started the timer would be pressed a second time (in one of the rooms 1-4) to mark a specific event, which generally happens around 25 minutes after the timer is started. Again, we'd want to make sure the signal is successfully transmitted to the display while the button presser is still in one of the 4 rooms. Once the receiver receives this signal, the display just marks the time at which it occurred and continues running
- Around 44 minutes into this, the button presser is alerted somehow that they have one minute to get to the room which is about to reach 45 minutes. This alert could occur at the display, but ideally it would also be on a device that the button presser is carrying around while they are moving from room to room. Ideally, the alert would be relatively silent, perhaps a vibration. Flash may work as well.
- At 45 minutes, the button presser will perform a task in a room Room 1-4 and then press the button for that room (while they are in that room). This button press would be logged on the display and would also stop the alarm. Perhaps we could have it so the alarm is silenced somehow before this event at 45 minutes is logged.
- Around 60 minutes, the button associated with a specific room will be pressed for a final time and cause the timer to stop.
- Eventually, the events will be reset and the process starts all over again
- Through this whole thing, 4 timers will eventually be running concurrently and the events in steps 1-5 will be triggered at various times in parallel. Each room timer runs independently but each room 1-4 is equivalent and all 4 timers are displayed on the same displays (housed in the hallway and room 5)
I hope that makes sense. It is essentially 4 timers running concurrently on two displays with fancy 'lap' features and each timer is controlled by a separate button.
Button hardware needed?
- Pucks? I was initially thinking that the Puck.js would be ideal for this and it could be. If Pucks were used, then each button would have to stay in each room 1-4.
- Remotes? It may also be possible to use a solution like this: http://www.espruino.com/Remote+Control+Sockets and use one of these remotes https://www.adafruit.com/category/259. This way the buttons could be carried from room to room. There may also be a way to find a similar remote with 8 buttons and this would make it easier to have a button which starts the timer, marks the first event then a second button that marks the second event and turns off the timer (with various short or long presses).
- Something else that I'm not thinking of? Perhaps Wifi or 2.4 gigahertz portable phone channels to guaranteed coverage through all of the rooms. Walls are drywall btw
- I'm flexible here. Web Bluetooth Website and a standalone always on device each have pros and cons.
Ok, what do you think? I'll take any sort of advice and/or bids. Thank you!
- A button associated with a specific room would be pressed to start a timer (on display in hallway and room 5) while the button presser is in that room (one of the rooms 1-4). Ideally a light would flash or some sort of feedback would occur to assure that the receiving display(s) received the start signal. If we can assure that nearly all button presses will be received (because whatever wireless solution you choose is so powerful or because we have receivers in each room), then perhaps we don't need a feedback system telling the button presser that the button press was received.
This is fantastic! Thank you very much. It seems clear that WiFi is the way to go.
I used this information to beef up my project description and have now found someone to take on the job. I hope to have this up and running soon so thank you quite a bit!