Sorry for such a late response, my laptop broke and I had to reset up everything from scratch on a new machine.
So one of my goals here was to get the REPL to be accessible over websockets. I tried the following as suggested, and it resulted in the program emitting the following error messages over websockets to my webIDE.
ws.on('message', function(msg) { LoopbackB.write(msg); }); LoopbackB.on('data',function(msg) { ws.send(msg); });
complete code
var host = "192.168.1.***"; var WebSocket = require("ws"); var ws = new WebSocket(host, { path: '/', port: 8080, // default is 80 protocol: "echo-protocol", // websocket protocol name (default is none) protocolVersion: 13, // websocket protocol version, default is 13 origin: 'Espruino', keepAlive: 60, headers: { some: 'header', 'ultimate-question': 42 } // websocket headers to be used e.g. for auth (default is none) }); ws.on('open', function() { console.log("Connected to server"); ws.send("esp:Connected"); }); ws.on('message', function(msg) { LoopbackB.write(msg.toString()); }); LoopbackB.on('data',function(msg) { ws.send(msg); }); setTimeout(function() { LoopbackA.setConsole(); },100);
Error transmitted over websockets continually until program is forced to stop
<- Telnet UncauUncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at =19 =un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=unUncaught Syn>> at Uncaught Erro> at line 1 c> at line 1 cUncaught SyntaxError: Got '^' exUncaught Syn>>=und=und=und=undUncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected E=und=undUncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected E=und=undUncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected E=und=undUncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected E=und=und=und=undUnca=und=undUncaught Synt
The exact error msg is the following
=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un>=un received: <- Telnet UncauUncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at =19
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any insight? line 19 is just closing braces.
Ok Ill try that, but I think the infinite loop is being caused by the ws server broadcasting the msg to everyone. So basically if the device sends
it getssomething
back which it then sends out again... I'll have to update my server for individual addressing.edit. I tried that and there was no response at all. Im going to work on the indvidual addressing for ws to fix the bounce back of msgs for the esp8266.
Ok so I put in the `setTimeout(function() { LoopbackA.setConsole();},100); and it WORKS!!! HUZZAH, but there is an issue, after sending over the response, it sends over an infinite stream of the error after logging the return. I have to reset manually to kill the stream.
I think this is because the error msg itself counts as
and so theLoopbackB.on('data',function(msg){ ws.send(msg); });
function goes into an infinite loop.Webconsole below.
>>Server:Ready! >>console.log("Hello"); >>Hello Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a number or something iterable, got undefined at line 2 col 29 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system >>Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at line 2 col 19 Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a number or something iterable... ^ in function "command" called from line 2 col 28 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system >>Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at line 1 col 21 Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF ^ in function "command" called from line 2 col 28 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system >>Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at line 1 col 21 Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF ^ in function "command" called from line 2 col 28 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system >>Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at line 1 col 21 Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF ^ in function "command" called from line 2 col 28 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system >>Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at line 1 col 21 Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF ^ in function "command" called from line 2 col 28 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system >>Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at line 1 col 21 Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF ^ in function "command" called from line 2 col 28 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system >>Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF at line 1 col 21 Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ':' expected EOF ^ in function "command" called from line 2 col 28 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system
Ok I think I know what the issue is basically the
method has an issue with passing it functions. Feel free to look at the screenshot or logs below.When I pass
is transmitted across ws.When I pass
The LED is turned on, but the error below is given.When I pass
The LED is turned off, but the error below is given.When I pass
test prints out to the ESPRUINO IDE but is not transmitted and the same error is given.I also tried directly passing
but got the same error.Check out the attached screenshot, it's much easier to see.
Console from ESPRUINO WEB IDE>LoopbackA.write("Hello"); =undefined >LoopbackA.write(digitalWrite(D5,1)); Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a number or something iterable, got undefined at line 1 col 35 LoopbackA.write(digitalWrite(D5,1)); ^ >
>>Server:Ready! >>Hello
I was messing around and shifting code, I moved
to the bottom, and the device started to transmit error messages to my webUI over websockets!!! So it's possible just not configured correctly.in function "command" called from line 2 col 27 LoopbackB.write(command()); ^ in function called from system > received:Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ?[8] expected EOF at line 1 col 1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Got ?[8] expected EOF ^
I am very EXCITED will keep you guys posted.
hmm it makes sense, but when I execute the code and send over something along the lines of
the loopback wont trigger thews.send(msg);
to send me backhi
I'm not sure if I just misunderstood the concept.My understanding is that
are connected, data sent to one comes out the other one. In this manner, if I set console toLoopbackA
, and then write my ws incoming command the following function should work.I've been testing with
from my ws server and I expectHello
back. I know the ws stuff is working fine, so it's probably that i miscoded the loopbacks.LoopbackA.setConsole(); var host = ""; var WebSocket = require("ws"); var ws = new WebSocket(host, { path: '/', port: 8080, // default is 80 protocol: "echo-protocol", // websocket protocol name (default is none) protocolVersion: 13, // websocket protocol version, default is 13 origin: 'Espruino', keepAlive: 60, headers: { some: 'header', 'ultimate-question': 42 } // websocket headers to be used e.g. for auth (default is none) }); ws.on('open', function() { console.log("Connected to server"); ws.send("esp:Connected"); }); ws.on('message', function(msg) { console.log(msg); var command = new Function(msg); LoopbackA.write(command()); }); LoopbackB.on('data',function(msg){ ws.send(msg); });
I am using a esp8266 12e developing board by NODEMCU given to me by my professor to get an initial setup going. I plan on buying ESPRUINO WIFIs so I can use https and other functionality so i can scale my device network.
I wrote my own simple web ide and am using a websocket server. I'll look at the docs for
and see if i can figure it out!Thanks, once I'm done ill put up a tutorial.
The only thing I am confused about is how to send the return output of a function back to my webpage?! For example if I call digitalRead(D5); The function logs either a 0 or 1 to the console. Instead I want to send the response using
I tried setting the console to a variable and then sending the variable over ws, but the msg is always empty.
clog = console.log; ws.send(clog);
I see I am going to further develop the very simple set up I have going. Basically, by the end, I want a nice looking UI and an underlying API which has full control over an esp unit from anywhere in the world. This would include calling functions, flashing device, and writing a custom library for some specific applications that I have in mind. Once I am done I will upload to github to share with others.
Gordon I was looking at the docs for the Web IDE, and it mentions flashing/programming over websockets?! I am really interested in this idea, what is your progress? I am willing to put in time to help make that happen?!
Ok so I created a basic webpage from which you can send commands to the device over a WS connection. The node js server acts as the host and the device + browser app act as clients. When a command is sent, it is broadcasted to all devices(Will change later). The command is then checked using a switch statement and an associated function is called on the device.
I will add functionality to send msgs to specific devices later on and post back to help the community.
My original idea was to be able to control device over websockets from my cloud server and have total remote control over it by building a front end API. I'm not sure if websockets is the right protocol for this though, I might need to switch to MQTT or a different communication protocol. As of right now, I'm only using 1 device, but I when I scale to maybe 1000 devices this setup might get messy.
What do you recommend Gordon?
Server Code (NODE.JS)
var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; var express = require('express'); var path = require('path'); var app = express(); var server = require('http').createServer(); //express setup app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public'))); var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server}); // Broadcast to all. wss.broadcast = function broadcast(data) { wss.clients.forEach(function each(client) { if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { client.send(data); } }); }; //On Initial Connection wss.on('connection', function (ws) { ws.send(JSON.stringify("Connection:Established")); console.log('started client interval'); //Broadcast incoming Command ws.on('message', function incoming(message) { console.log('received: %s', message); broadcast(message); }); //On Close ws.on('close', function () { console.log('stopping client interval'); }); }); //Server settings server.on('request', app); server.listen(8080, function () { console.log('Listening on http://localhost:8080'); }); //Broadcast Function function broadcast(message) { wss.clients.forEach(function each(client) { client.send(message); }); }
WebApp Code
index.html<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body { font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; } div { display: inline; } '#message-form { }' //remove '' from above, I put them in to allow the post to be visible </style> </head> <body> <form id="message-form"> <input name="command" type="text" placeholder="Command"/> <button>Send</button> </form> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="frontend.js"></script> </body> </html>
front-end ws setup
var host = window.document.location.host.replace(/:.*/, ''); var ws = new WebSocket('ws://' + host + ':8080'); ws.onopen = function() { console.log("Connected to server"); }; ws.onmessage = function(msg) { console.log(msg.data); }; jQuery('#message-form').on('submit', function (e){ e.preventDefault(); ws.send(jQuery('[name = command]').val()); });
var host = ""; var WebSocket = require("ws"); var ws = new WebSocket(host, { path: '/', port: 8080, // default is 80 protocol: "echo-protocol", // websocket protocol name (default is none) protocolVersion: 13, // websocket protocol version, default is 13 origin: 'Espruino', keepAlive: 60, headers: { some: 'header', 'ultimate-question': 42 } // websocket headers to be used e.g. for auth (default is none) }); ws.on('open', function() { console.log("Connected to server"); }); ws.on('message', function(msg) { console.log(msg); switch (msg) { case "ledOn": { digitalWrite(D5, 1); break; } case "ledOff": { digitalWrite(D5, 0); break; } default: { } } });
I want to be able to send commands to my unit from anywhere in the world. I was thinking I could use websockets to do this.
I would have a server running ws and express which would server up an html page which i could use to interact with the esp unit.
The esp unit or units would serve as clients to the server? Does this sound doable?
Ahh, it makes sense now. My server is set to broadcast all messages to all ws devices that are connected. I'll reconfigure it with an ID system for routing. That should hopefully solve my issue.
I'll keep you updated thanks!