No I didn't check the Bluez. I just wanted to compare the behaviour. I need to make it work on my laptop which is unfortunately Window 7, and I can not do much of it. Except if you know a live distribution of linux with the right Bluez version. Live, because I cannot install something on dualboot on this pc.
I tried it on the linux box from Chromium. Result is slightly different. All the time different. Here is the transcript of several connexions:
No code in storage. >>> Connecting... Set Slow Write = true >>> Connecting to Puck.js c064 BT> Device Name: Puck.js c064 BT> Device ID: t5VB7pAhtyVVCJlk1naOMQ== BT> ERROR: NetworkError: Connection failed for unknown reason. ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed. >>> Connecting... Set Slow Write = true >>> Connecting to Puck.js c064 BT> Device Name: Puck.js c064 BT> Device ID: t5VB7pAhtyVVCJlk1naOMQ== >>> Connected to BLE BT> Connected BT> Disconnected (gattserverdisconnected) ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed. ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed. >>> Connecting... Set Slow Write = true >>> Connecting to Puck.js c064 BT> Device Name: Puck.js c064 BT> Device ID: t5VB7pAhtyVVCJlk1naOMQ== >>> Connected to BLE BT> Connected BT> Disconnected (gattserverdisconnected) ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed. ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed. >>> Connecting... Set Slow Write = true >>> Connecting to Puck.js c064 BT> Device Name: Puck.js c064 BT> Device ID: t5VB7pAhtyVVCJlk1naOMQ== >>> Connected to BLE BT> Connected Got "" No Prompt found, got undefined - issuing Ctrl-C to try and break out Got "" No Prompt found, got undefined - issuing Ctrl-C to try and break out Got "" No Prompt found, got undefined - issuing Ctrl-C to try and break out Got "" No Prompt found, got undefined - issuing Ctrl-C to try and break out Got "" No Prompt found, got undefined - issuing Ctrl-C to try and break out
Still the same error: connexion failed:
noble starting scan Found UART device: Puck.js c064 c9:2e:0c:37:c0:64 Found device: d4:81:ca:e0:77:90 Found device: d4:81:ca:e0:77:90 Found device: d4:81:ca:e0:77:90 Found UART device: Puck.js c064 c9:2e:0c:37:c0:64 Found device: d4:81:ca:e0:77:90 Found device: d4:81:ca:e0:77:90 >>> Connecting... Set Slow Write = true BT> Connecting BT> ERROR Connecting ERROR: Unable to open device (connectionInfo=undefined) ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed. Found device: d4:81:ca:e0:77:90 Found UART device: Puck.js c064 c9:2e:0c:37:c0:64 Found device: d4:81:ca:e0:77:90 Found device: d4:81:ca:e0:77:90 noble stopping scan
Yes, to blue. And this is Android. The application I found is this one
Should I install toolbox instead? -
I've got the same issue in Win7 and build in BlueTooth in Lenovo w540:
http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/298160/ -
I am trying to connect to a freshly received puck.js with standalone IDE. I replaced the driver by Zadig, and in connection window I see the puck. Then it fails to connect. In the console I have this:
We have chrome.serial - not using 'serialport' module 'winnus' module not found, no Windows Bluetooth Low Energy Error: The specified module could not be found. \\?\C:\Users\AMOLCH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nw2072_17556\node_modules\winnus\build\Release\winnus.node serial_audio: Audio Sample rate : 48000 serial_audio: Audio Serial Baud 9600 Bit time 5 Web Bluetooth available, but Windows Web Bluetooth is broken in <=56 - not using it GET chrome.storage.sync = {"AUTO_SAVE_CODE":true,"BAUD_RATE":9600,"BLOCKLY_EXTENSIONS":"|bluetooth|robot|","BLOCKLY_LANGUAGE":"en","BLOCKLY_TO_JS":false,"BLUETOOTH_LOW_ENERGY":true,"BOARD_JSON_URL":"http://www.espruino.com/json","COMPILATION":true,"COMPILATION_URL":"http://www.espruino.com:32766","ENABLE_Testing":false,"ENV_ON_CONNECT":true,"FONT_SIZE":12,"MINIFICATION_DeadCode":true,"MINIFICATION_LEVEL":"","MINIFICATION_Literal":true,"MINIFICATION_Mangle":true,"MINIFICATION_Unreachable":true,"MINIFICATION_Unused":true,"MODULE_AS_FUNCTION":false,"MODULE_EXTENSIONS":".min.js|.js","MODULE_MINIFICATION_LEVEL":"ESPRIMA","MODULE_URL":"http://www.espruino.com/modules","NPM_MODULES":false,"RESET_BEFORE_SEND":true,"SAVE_ON_SEND":0,"SERIAL_AUDIO":"0","SERIAL_TCPIP":"","SERIAL_THROTTLE_SEND":false,"SET_TIME_ON_WRITE":false,"SHOW_CODE_LINK_ICON":false,"SHOW_WEBCAM_ICON":0,"STORE_LINE_NUMBERS":true,"Sound_Error":"","Sound_Info":"","Sound_Success":"","Sound_Warning":"","Speak_Error":false,"Speak_Info":false,"Speak_Success":false,"Speak_Warning":false,"UI_MODE":"Normal"} Initialising SettingsConsole Initialising Utils Initialising Config Initialising Notifications Initialising Status Initialising App Initialising File Initialising Code Initialising Serial - Initialising Serial Chrome Serial - Initialising Serial Chrome Socket - Initialising Serial Noble - Initialising Serial Audio Initialising Terminal Initialising CodeWriter Initialising Modules Initialising Env Initialising Flasher Initialising EditorBlockly Initialising EditorJavaScript Initialising Send Initialising MenuPortSelector Initialising MenuSettings Initialising MenuFlasher Initialising SettingsAbout Initialising SettingsFlasher Initialising BoardJSON Initialising VersionChecker Initialising Compiler Initialising Assembler Initialising GetGitHub Initialising NPMModules Initialising ExamplePlugin Initialising Unicode Initialising SaveOnSend Initialising Minify Initialising Tutorial Initialising Webcam Initialising FontSize Initialising UiMode Initialising URLHandler Initialising CodeLink Initialising Project Initialising Testing Initialising Notification_Sound Initialising Tern Initialising Debugger Initialising Tour Initialising SettingsProfile Initialising HelpLinks No code in storage. noble starting scan Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 Found UART device: Puck.js c064 c9:2e:0c:37:c0:64 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 Found UART device: Puck.js c064 c9:2e:0c:37:c0:64 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 >>> Connecting... Set Slow Write = true BT> Connecting BT> ERROR Connecting ERROR: Unable to open device (connectionInfo=undefined) ERROR: [notify_error] Connection Failed. >>> Connection Failed. Found UART device: Puck.js c064 c9:2e:0c:37:c0:64 Found device: [TV] UE65JU6400 bc:14:85:f2:4d:29 noble stopping scan
Is this module available for Puck.js ? I tried this code and it says module "clock" not found.