Thank you for all the comments. I took the watch with me to grab coffee this morning and suddenly things became clear. At first I thought, wow, I must have a bad GPS sensor or something, because this is showing 20MPH higher than my actual speed! And then I realized it's measuring in km/h and I'm a dummy 😏 So I downloaded the highest rated speedometer app I could find for my Android and compared the output to the watch. The results were nearly identical for the entire ride. Also, when outside, the watch only fluctuated between 0.1-0.4 when sitting still. The phone app only shows rounded whole numbers, so I couldn't tell if it has the same fluctuation. I think overall the watch sensor is extremely accurate, as mentioned by Conor. I do wonder if there's any way to calibrate it.. or whether I just do that in my software, asking the user to stand still and checking the low/high values of the sensor during that time.. kind of like calibrating a digital scale.
I've noticed that, when using the Speedo app, it says I'm traveling between 0.1 and 1.2MPH while the watch is sitting on my table. Is this normal? I thought it might be able to be used for an accurate measurement of speed in my car, but haven't tested that far yet. Just wondering what others are experiencing?
I just received my Puck today. I have 2 PCs, both with Windows 7. One of the PCs has a Bluetooth 4.0 dongle. Every time I try to connect to the Puck, I either get a "no devices found" or it'll find the Puck but when I click Pair on the desktop IDe it'll fail every time. I installed Zidag and verified that the dongle is using WinUSB, and I can add the Puck using the Windows UI, and I see under services it has GATT Server. Just can't connect with the desktop Espruino IDE. Anyone else on Windows 7 having this issue? Any way to resolve it?
I had the same issue trying to connect with Gadgetbridge. Ultimately, the fix was simple: I restarted my phone. Not sure why, but that's all I needed to do. Give that a try if you haven't yet.