I actually send
connection.write("NRF.on('disconnect', function() { reset(); });");
when the app initially connects to the puck, but when watching the IDE it doesn't ever seem to run. I updated the NRF.disconnect() to the resetPuck function, but on testing it doesn't seem to do much either. But I could be missing something. ;-) I don't think it's a major issue, but my biggest concern is to prevent the puck from continuously running the code/send data and burn the battery. I assume calling reset() is enough to terminate most CPU and radio activity.
Oops! It was already being hosted at https://cmenscher.github.io/puckWebBluetoothTemplate/, but you're totally right so I added a link to the README. 👌
I just published a Github repo of a basic template for creating a Web Bluetooth js app to interact with a Puck.js in a browser...
It uses Bootstrap and jQuery, but you can easily rip those out. I've tested it on Chrome Desktop (OSX) and Android Chrome. I hope it's useful!
Ah! Duh. Thanks I'll try adding the newline.