I cannot get the Bangle.js No. 2 to pair. It has worked before. I am on Chrome. The help button says Click Privacy and security and then Site Settings and then USB devices. If I go down that route I never see USB devices.
I am on a Mac currently OS 12.1. Chrome says it is at Version 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (arm64)Can anyone shed some light on this?
I have followed the start instructions for Mac. The puck is working as verified by using the app nRF Connect which sees it on my iPhone. I have Chrome 55 with the Web Bluetooth (chrome://flags/#enable-web-bluetoothBluetooth enabled I have relaunched Chrome.
I am not clear what I do next. How to I see the puck? It does not appear as a device in Bluetooth devices. Should it. What do I need to do now?
That worked. I also had a message that extensions needed to be rebuilt. When I tried 'Connect' it saw the Bangle and paired.
Thanks for that