Anyone have a working example of using the MAX3110 Magnetometer or the IR Transmitter?
I didn't see an IR example.
When I looked at the Espruino modules, I saw one for the MAX3110 from sparkfun..Yay! Paste the code in from the last example in the web page.
The puck said:
> _____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |_____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| http://espruino.com 1v88 Copyright 2016 G.Williams >Uncaught ReferenceError: "B6" is not defined at line 1 col 20 I2C1.setup( { scl: B6, sda: B7 } ); ^ ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover... ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover... ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover... ERROR: Prompt not detected - upload failed. Trying to recover... Disconnected Connected >
Basically, I just had to open it up, push out the battery, and start again.
Any thoughts anyone?
Spectacular! That's just the info I needed.
Thanks Gordon.