Is AWS IoT example works with WIZnet ethernet adapter only ?
I am trying to use it with ESP8266 attached to Pico and always stuck on the TLS phaseI tried even to provision Elliptic Curve keys and certificate (that are smaller), but still with no success. I don't think it is even attempting to initiate TLS connection with given CA, cert, and key options.
>echo(0); =undefined Connecting to WiFi Connected >Connecting with TLS... Loading the CA root certificate... Loading the Client certificate... Loading the Client Key... ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_setup returned -0x7f00 ERROR: Unable to create socket
Hi Gordon
Unfortunately even from SD card I am getting -0x7f00.
Are you planning to release a board with more RAM ? It is amazing what you can do with this little board.
Also do you thing the memory requirements to work with CC3000 is less than ESP8266? Should I try CC3000?