Hi Gordon,
Thanks for replying. Its 2v06 I think.
I have written a custom app and its does log data to the watch flash memory. I hadn't implemented any memory availability checking yet, so it could be that my app filled the memory without me realising.
App Loader > About > Install Default Apps has got the watch back up and running!
I notice on the app loader theres an updated firmware, but I don't have an Android device. Is there any other upgrade path?
The watch has been working ok for a couple of weeks but this morning the watch was unresponsive. I hard rebooted the device with buttons 1 and 2, and the watch started the boot process.
However, after around 5 minutes the watch still displayed the boot screen graphic. I tried buttons 1 and 3 to get to the apps menu, but that took me to a blank screen.
I hard rebooted a few times to see if it was an intermittent problem but its the same each time. The device loads the boot graphic then seems to hang.
When the device is just showing the boot loader graphic I can connect via Bluetooth still using the web IDE, which kind of suggests the device hasn't crashed, but when I click storage it just shows RAM and no other storage options.
Any advice?
Is there a tutorial / demo app that connects to the Bangle from an Android app to send and receive data, and collect files from the bangle local storage?
If not, can anyone give any pointers for getting started with the Android app?
I have written apps that run on the Bangle and written some JS web apps that connect and interact with the device via a browser. I'm a little unsure how best to approach getting data transfer to and from an Android app. Not sure if I should use the same approach connecting using javascript via a WebView or whether theres a native Android way of communicating between app and watch.