@DrAzzy that could be the right hint. Thx.
Looking on the video I saw only a power connection between Pico an esp8266 via two wires ( Gnd and 5V ). The middle connector (labeled: VDD) leaves unconnected.Do I have to connect that middle pin to the esp8266 too ?
I've the same problem.
after:var wifi = require("ESP8266WiFi").connect(Serial2, function(err)
there is an Error:
No 'ready' after AT+RST
I can't see any red or blue LED on the esp8266 board.
btw. I wonder that 5V is connected to the shim, but not connected to the esp8266 board. where does the power for the wifi module comes from ?
yeah, connecting the middle pin (3.3V) solves the problem. Than the red LED is on and the blue LED flashes on wifi transmission.
thanx to@drazzy