I was wondering where can I get the adaptor shim for the Esprunio Pico WiFi Module
Does Electrodragon carry them
I am having similar problems like in this post here
If I fire this code here the display turns on but doesn't display hello world.
Also if i try this tutorial nothing works in the display
Any ideas as to what i am doing wrong.
A5.write(0); // GND A7.write(1); // VCC // Setup SPI var spi = new SPI(); spi.setup({ sck:B1, mosi:B10 }); // Initialise the LCD var g = require("PCD8544").connect(spi,B13,B14,B15, function() { // When it's initialised, clear it and write some text g.clear(); g.drawString("Hello World!",0,0); // send the graphics to the display g.flip(); });
Are they shipping from the States for from UK? Also can you buy the wifi module there as well