I'm using the standard v1.4 board, I'm not doing any fancy poking around.
One thing I should point out is my code is being sent over Bluetooth.
I've now got a Cordova app running which changes my LED strip from my phone using Bluetooth also.
I've noticed that if I call basic functions without parameters everything is fine. But If I add complex objects as parameters my app seems to fail, but I don't know how to debug this on my phone.
Could this be related to how the data is pushed over Bluetooth?
What I mean is when the app fails could it be similar to the missing characters when using the IDE because if I'm only calling a function name over Bluetooth it never fails, only when passing an object as a param, it fails intermittently.
Every now and then I get problems sending code to the Espruino. What seems to happen, is I get errors as if I have been spelling function names incorrectly, there's always a letter or two missing.
The latest examples I have found is the following:
Does anyone have a clue why this keeps happening? There's nothing wrong with my code, it's just what gets returned after sending to the Espruino.
Yes DrAzzy, I can send code to the board from the WebIDE and it does run, I guess I'm looking for help around how to implement some form of communication. Say I have some functions on the board, could I write a web app to call those functions? Just looking for a few ideas about how to interact with it rather than just send new code via Bluetooth.
Gordon, thank you very much, as it turned out it was the GND and 3.3V pads that I ruined. I left the Bluetooth soldered and just wired these to pins on the strip.
I have paired my laptop but I get undefined if I do:
Serial1.on('data', function (data) {console.log(data);}); Serial1.print("AT")
If I plug the board in to USB and send the following code, and do save();
var run = function(){ digitalWrite(LED1,l=!l); console.log('run'); }; setInterval(run,1000);
When I plug the board into a USB plug via the mains socket, I see a flashing LED and I get the string "run" sent via bluetooth to my WebIDE.
What I don't understand is how can I send messages to the Espruino from either my PC or my phone?
I recently tried but failed soldering the Bluetooth module on to the pad of my v1.4 board. I toasted two of the little pads near one of the corners, so now it won't work.
Is there any other way to use the Bluetooth module? Can it be connected via wires to the pin strips I soldered on either edge of the Espruino?
@DrAzzy I wired up those pins and I have power! My board is now free from the shackles of the USB lead, thanks for your help.
I took your advice, I now have a packet of these connectors and a couple of batteries from my Galaxy S4.
The ratings are 3.8v and 2600mAh, they have 4 connection points with + and - marked, but I don't know what the other 2 are for. Do I charge and discharge from the same connectors or is there something else I need to do?
I have this battery from eBay - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171634446556
It is a POWER-TECH 850mAH 33C 2S 7.4V LI-PO Battery with JST Plug. The only thing is that it has two sets of wires. One + and - with a plug that is a JST but doesn't quite fit the Espruino, I assume I'll need to change this, but it also has another connector with 2 - and 1 + wire. Can I ignore this one and charge/discharge from the two wired connector?
I don't seem to be able to get any connection to the CC3000. After looking at the spec of this little WiFi board I saw that it is for 802.11b/g networks.
My router is a 802.11n, is it possible to use this board on my network at all, maybe by changing the router settings or something?