https://www.oshpark.com ... Also well priced. I've used them a number of times great quality boards.
@gordon I'm interested in the process of getting a run of 4000 boards shipped, once the last PICO is out the door can you do us a little write up ? Costs, kickstarter .. etc.
@Gordon have you finalised the board yet ? and are you releasing the eagle files ? I'm eager to be build some shields for the microchip rn4020 ble module and maybe the hm-10.
You've mentioned your own desire to create some shields is it worth having a seperate thread/area for this ?
edit: ooops found the thread http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/259519/
Cheers for the replies chaps, I managed to solder the HM-10 with no issues and can see it from my iPhone. I'm using Light BLue (https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/lightblue-bluetooth-low-energy/id557428110?mt=8) to interact for the moment.
Now the real fun begins
https://xkcd.com/927/ This sums it up