I do also have the problem with the IDE Upload. Even with the old IDE. It has something todo with the Chrom/Serial/USB connection. My workaround is the connect and reconnect until i see the ESPRUINO Version information:
<<<<<{"VERSION":"1v59","BUILD_DATE":"Mar 25 2014","BUILD_TIME":"17:17:20","BOARD":"ESPRUINOBOARD","CHIP":"STM32F103RCT6","CHIP_FAMILY":"STM32F1","FLASH":262144,"RAM":49152,"SERIAL":"33FFD705-41573033-27620843","CONSOLE":"USB"}>>>>>After that procedure uploading works as expected but much slower.
Have some problem with JSON.parse.
test={}; test['myname']='ESP:33FFD705-41573033-27620843'; test['first']={"pin":A15}; console.log('Orig:'); console.log(test); json=JSON.stringify(test); console.log('JSON:'); console.log(json); console.log('Back:'); console.log(JSON.parse(json));
Here is the output:
Orig: { "myname":"ESP:33FFD705-41573033-27620843", "first":{"pin":A15} } JSON: {"myname":"ESP:33FFD705-41573033-27620843","first":{"pin":A15}} Back: undefined =undefined
Back is undefined. I expected the same as 'test'.
Sacha -
Hi Alex,
You need some basic understanding about xBee. The following book may help:
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596807740.doI try to answer your questions.
You need ONE coordinator, but only ONE!
The rest can be routers or enddevices. Routers as the name says can route to others.
The special of enddevices is, that they can't route but they are able to sleep.With my module you will be able to communicate with all types (Coordinator/Router/Enddevices)
I think RSSI values or link signal quality can be read out by AT commands. Should be possible with all types of devices.
You need a PC to flash the right firmeware to the xbee's first.
Use the latest xBee firmeware in the API variant.
All the other settings can be done on the PC too or by AT commands from the espruino.Sacha
I left the Espruino over night connected. Just waiting that something happens on the Serial connection (Serial1.onData callback registered). No data received but the timing is way off.
The following statement took 3-4 Seconds only:
console.log("Start-Time: "+getTime()); setTimeout(function() { console.log("After a very long wait.: "+getTime()); }, 10000000);
Start-Time: 49936143.57320594787597
After a very long wait.: 49946147.45812225341796 -
Module for communicate with xBee radios
- KEYWORDS: Module,xBee,API Firmeware, API Mode 1
Serial1.setup(38400,{rx:B7,tx:B6,bytesize:8,parity:none,stopbits:1}); myxbee=requere('XBee-API1'.connect(Serial1); functions: XBee-API1.AT(command,value,function(re,data) {} ) XBee-API1.strtobytes(String) XBee-API1.TX(addr64,addr16,options,data,function(re,data) {} ) XBee-API1.RX(function(data) {} )
xBee Frame Types implemented
- 08 => AT Command
- 88 => AT Command respond
- 10 => Transmit request
- 8B => Transmit Status
- 90 => RX Packet
- KEYWORDS: Module,xBee,API Firmeware, API Mode 1
Hi Gordon,
It's interessting to me too. Last time i used assembler is also a long time ago, 68000. Maybe we can use it to write modules? Not to speed up things but for saving memory.
I wonder how we have to access PIN's or UARTs/SPI in assembler.
Or even in C/C++ ?