@Gordon, I forgot about the certifications :/ Your idea of creating PCB with a whole bunch of snap-out adaptors seems more feesable.
Take a look at the Carambola 2 from http://8devices.com.
I stumbled across: https://www.npmjs.org/package/node-espruino Not sure if it works correctly. I would try it out myself, however, my Espruino is packed in box since I recently moved. Also, ya, it would be a huge big deal to port it over to a server, that's why I thought NodeJS might be a better solution.
As far as updating firmware using the "serialflash thing" I don't know what you are referring to.
Is it possible to use the WebIDE by using it as a website instead of using the Google APP? ie, hypothetical setup: Espruino is connected to the USB port of the apache webserver. Use a different computer located somwhere else, point the web browser to the webserver that serves the WebIDE.
Or possibly setup a webserver using NodeJS which supports USB, UART and etc.... giving the ability to update firmware from another location.
I am aware there are draw backs such as hardware locking up and not being able to reset the hardware when away from the location. So, this idea is more of a curiousity question.
@DrAzzy, I noticed the same thing when working with serial. I would spend hours swapping Rx and tx on both the Espruino and the device I'm communicating with. I would unplug the Espruino from USB and plug it back in. I would also try resaving the code. Then finally, like magic, serial communication works. Why do you think that happens?
@DrAzzy and @roy.emmerich thanks for the help.
@Gordon What DrAzzy said.
@Gordon Good work Gordon! A suggestion, could you add a sticky option for forum sections? For example, a thread listing popular questions that get asked multiple times with a link to the thread that has the answer?
I need to reset a device to factory defaults by driving a certain pin to low. The device manual states "Unit reset to default, active low. Drive low to reset unit to default settings." I tried hooking the pin to ground but I don't think that worked. How do I drive an Espruino pin to low to achieve this?
@Gordon, Thank you for taking the time to assist me. Encryption by using the Espruino isn't a necessity. At the moment, I am looking for a wifi module that has hardware encryption. As far as the Lantronix xPico wifi module that I boasted about a few weeks ago, well, it turns out I was wrong about the built in encryption. I was reading the wrong product info LOL :/ It turns out the Lantronix xPico ethernet module supposedly supports AES encryption. So, now I am in the market to purchase another wifi module that supports AES encryption.
That error was due to me not incorporating the core.js file. So I did:
eval(require('fs').readFile("core-min.js")); eval(require('fs').readFile("aes-min.js"));
I am now getting the out of memory error. For a test I commented out the aes file and just loaded the core-min.js. I didn't get the out of memory error when just loading the core-min.js file.
@DrAzzy using the minified version of the script didn't give me the out of memory error. However, I am still getting errors:
Uncaught Error: Field or method does not already exist, and can't
create it on undefined at line 1 col 24 {for(var
q=CryptoJS,x=q.lib.BlockCipher,r=q.algo,j=[],y=[],z...d ^ at line 1 col 223 ...3^l<<4,f=f>>>8^f&255^99;j[n]=f;y[f]=n;var t=g[n],D=g[t],E=g[... ^ in function called from line 10 col 467 ...q.AES=x._createHelper(r)})(); ^ in function "onInit" called from line 1 col 8 onInit();
I'm assuming the crypto package probably won't work on the Espruino.
I am trying to pipe my aes.js file to eval because the file is too large. My code:
function onInit() { var fs = require('fs'); var f = fs.readFile("aes.js"); eval(f.pipe()); }
I get error:
Uncaught Error: Field or method does not already exist, and can't
create it on String at line 5 col 9 eval(f.pipe());^ in function "onInit" called from line 1 col 8 onInit();
@DrAzzy alright, I will purchase another sdcard just in case.
@Gordon, I have used the SD card with the Espruino a couple days ago. I loaded settings from a .js file. I will reformat the card and try again after work.
I am attempting to load and execute a JS file from the SD card.
The aes.js file is loaded to the root of the SD card. That code produces the error:
ERROR: Unable to mount SD card : NOT_READY
Eventually, I would like to load the aes.js file to execute:
var encrypted = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt("Message", "Secret Passphrase"); var decrypted = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(encrypted, "Secret Passphrase");
@Kay, Thanks! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to create XOR.
I'm not sure if the Espruino can support encryption features.... If I had to guess, Espruino probably can't due to resources needed to encrypt data.
If that is the case, does anyone know of a way to encrypt data before sending the data out of the Espruino; eventually gets sent out of my WiFi module to a TCP server? I found https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11551 which is a way to securely store a key.
At the moment I am sending out unencrypted text such as login credentials that should be encrypted on the Espruino side then unencrypted at the server side.
@Gordon, awesome news! I can't wait until its available for purchase. Do you have an estimate time frame when you will be alerting us when the kickstarter goes live?
I ordered two of them. Quick shipping to the US also. Im trying to figure out how to compile nodejs for wrtnode, but will most likely stick to python.
My thought was to use the Espruino to get sensor data and send it to the wrtnode. The wrtnode will take care of WiFi communication, encryption and the webserver.