Personally I like the fact that it specifically says that the function returned undefined.
In the print("Hello") example above I would be a bit confused about the "Hello" on the console - was is printed? Returned as a string? Or some object? Especially that this behaviour would be different than Node.js or JS console in the browser.
I have this board and for me anything after 1v49 doesn't work at all. And I mean not only the display but also the board is not responding at all.
After uploading espruino to the board it doesn't respond on the serial console, I can't write and I don't get anything, just a blank screen.
Gordon HELP :)
@JumJum just to clarify, could you also confirm that in this last case
is not finding any devices? This info could be quite helpful I believe. -
I wonder wich board is @Frida using?
Thanks. Just tried with 1v46 build on 24th January and it works fine, including on ADC/PWM pin. But again, I'm not using the official Espruino board. This can be helpful to Gordon.
Also in your case
fails to find the device so all I know it's not a problem with the module. Unfortunately it doesn't help you much.. :) -
@JumJum could you give me the exact version (build date) so I can flash my board with it and see what happens?
Oh and I should have add that I'm using this module for quite a long time now as it's the core for my project and I did not have any issues on previous firmware versions. But then the module itself has also changed in the meantime so it's hard to tell.
Could you also give me the output of `
so I can try with the exact same version of firmware that you are using. -
@Kim are you loading this module via the WebIDE or is it just copy+paste (the module itself)?
I have just tried with the latest 1v47 build and the example code works fine, but I'm using HY board and not official Espruino.
After uploading the example code could you please try to clearInterval() and then
ow.search(); //should return an array with one quite a big number, possibly negative. That is your device serial code var serialCode = ow.search()[0]; serialCode - ((serialCode >> 8) << 8); //should return 40 which is a family code for DS18B20
And sorry for the ugly code formatting, I don't really get how it works on this forum.
When I use other port - the one with Prolific driver - then I can connect to my board but terminal is unresponsive so I can't type anything and I'm not getting any feedback. With older Espruino versions this port works fine.
I have also pinned it down to 2013-12-13 build. That's when problem starts. Build from the night before works fine and it also identifies itself as 1.44 but the file size and file name is different.
Loading existing modules via Web IDE works fine for me but I'm also working on some new modules and I need to test them properly.
I'm using HY-Mini 3.2" with integrated SD card reader. Card is formatted with FAT32 and for test purposes I'm placing currently available DS18B20.js module in /node_modules directory.
Then I try to:var sensor = require("DS18B20").connect(A1);
After that nothing comes back and terminal stops responding.
Any ideas how to get that working? Should I somehow initialize SD module before I can use it?
There is plenty of really cool (and cheap!) sensors and modules for Arduino but most of them require 5V. As a complete novice I don't really know how to approach this stuff and I imagine that I'm not the only one.
So do you guys have some good resources/tutorials about interfacing 5V devices with Espruino? Could you share?