Espruino newbie here. My project requires me to periodically drive a vibration motor, something like this: https://catalog.precisionmicrodrives.com/order-parts/product/310-114-10mm-vibration-motor-13mm-type
I'm using a 3.7v Lipo battery. The motor at that link above says it's 3v.
The motor doesn't need to change speeds or directions. It just needs to come on for a few seconds every now and then.
I'm confused about whether I need a L293D, a ULN2003, a Relay, or if that's all overkill and if I can just hook up the wires to some pins on the board and do a "digitalWrite()"?
Any tips? Thanks!
OK - reposted here: http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/127015/